Young America

Learning from Historical Giants to Forge a Wiser Future

May 13, 2024 Young America Episode 33

Have you ever considered the weight of the choices made by historical figures and their impact on our lives today? Join Jacob and me as we embark on a quest through the annals of history, examining the lives of iconic personalities from George Washington to contemporary trailblazers. Our podcast isn't just a stroll through the past; it's an educational crusade to arm our generation against the knowledge deficit threatening our future. We're tearing down the barriers erected by an often failing education system and rebuilding a foundation of understanding through compelling narratives and an infusion of biblical principles.

This episode is a clarion call to teens and young adults—a rally to engage in the profound lessons history has to offer. Together, we dissect the moral fibers of those who have shaped our nation, scrutinizing their decisions and the repercussions of their actions. It's a candid conversation about the virtues and vices that have influenced the world, and how we, as the youth of America, can learn from the triumphs and missteps of those who walked before us. Get ready to amplify your understanding and join our community on YouTube, where we're dedicated to fostering an informed, conscientious, and forward-thinking Young America.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back, young America. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have been really busy, me and Jacob, with finals and just wrapping the school year up, at least for me, and I know we're getting ready for a wedding that's happening this weekend. So there's a lot of preparation and a lot of things that go into that. I just got out of school on Wednesday, which would have been yesterday, but so, yeah, it's been really busy, got a bunch of stuff done with school, so that's a huge blessing, so praise the Lord for that. And then, yeah, we're just getting ready for this wedding.

Speaker 1:

But today I want to talk to you guys about what the plan is for Young America. I know we've been kind of going over this a little bit at a time, but just to give you an overview and what you can expect and what is going to be happening from here on out, basically, as you've known, we have been doing the interviews with me and Jacob. I think we're going to continue with that process. It makes sense for us and it just flows very well. So we're going to be taking a historical figure like George Washington, the Founding Fathers, and just work our way through history to the present founding fathers and just work our way through history to the present and we're going to be looking at their character and what they can or what they did do, and what they should have done, maybe, or what they shouldn't have done, you know, just stuff like that, and then how can we apply it to ourselves in the time and the age that we live in? Um. So I think it's going to be really cool. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

Um, because we it, because we can learn from history and we're supposed to learn from history. It's been said that you can either be a student of history or you can be a victim of history. If you're a student, you're going to learn from the mistakes that people have made and hopefully we're going to grow from that and prevent those mistakes from happening again. From that and prevent those mistakes from happening again because we know history, we know what's gonna be happening, um. Or you can be um a victim of history and just repeat the same thing because you're ignorant, and so the purpose of starting this whole podcast was to be um more knowledgeable about just everything in general, really. But I was talking to a guy at work actually the other day about the podcast and I was telling him why we started, and it was you know.

Speaker 1:

So the youth, um would be able to know things, and because our generation is so screwed up, we don't know hardly anything, um, if you watch videos on YouTube or Instagram or whatever, and these guys will go around campuses, college campuses, and they'll ask the most basic questions about American history or geography or anything like super easy. It should be stupid easy, and yet people don't even know what a continent is or what a country is, and so we need help in America. And so this is what we're here for we're here to educate people. If they want to learn, great. If not, well, it's their loss. So, anyways, we're going to be taking people from history and we're looking at their lives, their character, the things that they have done, how they served God, and we're going to incorporate the Bible into that, the principles and morals that they possess as human beings. How can we learn from that as people and not repeat those same failures, if you will? So, yeah, that's the goal for that.

Speaker 1:

Um, obviously, the demographic would be um, teenagers, young adults, people around our age. Um, there is a, like I said, there's a major lack of knowledge, just in general. So I'm excited about what's going to happen and I hope you stay tuned. We're going to be hopefully moving forward. Hopefully we're going to be posting everything on YouTube, so that'll be really cool. We just want to start growing and expanding and there's just a lot of moving parts right now, but we are working towards a better young america, if you will. So, yeah, there's nothing really much else to say, but, uh, thanks for listening, thanks for supporting so far, and I hope you continue to support us and we'll see you next time.

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