Young America

Celebrating One Year of Young America: A Year of Historical Insights and Personal Journeys

March 19, 2024 Young America Episode 30

 It's been a wild ride through 30 episodes, brimming with knowledge nuggets and nearly 1100 downloads—a testament to your incredible support. This celebration isn't just about looking back; it's about the future teeming with rich, bi-monthly episodes dedicated to American historical figures who've sculpted our generation's ethos. Our 'personal shorts' series will continue, offering intimate glimpses into our lives—because what's history without the personal touch?

As your co-pilots on this journey, we're dialing up the dedication to bring you stories that resonate and educate. Expect to delve into the lives of characters who've inked their legacy onto the canvas of time, providing inspiration and wisdom for today's challenges. Connecting these tales to the present, we'll explore how they shape our worldviews and actions. So, buckle up for the next leg of our adventure, where connection and growth are the destinations, and the road is paved with historical intrigue and personal revelations.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Young America podcast. Yep, so today actually we are celebrating our one year anniversary. Yeah, we are pod.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. In fact, this is episode 30, even to oh, let's go yeah so we are. We've been cranking them out Flying along. We almost have a hundred 1100 downloads. Think we're like 11 away or something like that, one of the last time I checked.

Speaker 1:

So doing, pretty good doing pretty spiffy, yeah, carrying on.

Speaker 2:

So we just wanted to share with you sort of stuff we learned over the year and then what you know the next year kind of looks like and yeah, hopefully it'll be an encouragement to you after Joe fixes, mike, there we go Perfect. Nothing like.

Speaker 1:

Chinese made stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know it's all warped and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyways, it's all good. So, yeah, what are we doing?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you mean right now, well, I mean well. Or for your future. Oh for the future, yeah well, um, you know, recently we've been kind of all over the place, but I think what we're gonna do is Turn it more into talking about characters in history, sort of American characters in history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and just the things that we can learn from them, and Because I think, too, it's an interesting perspective having the young perspective that we have on the characters of history and how, you know, those of us who are age need to learn from them. So I think that'll be really good and we'll probably do that about twice a month, just so we have more time to prepare and actually know what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which is kind of important, and then we'll do a couple of personal shorts, just so you guys can continue to get to know us.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that's how we're gonna probably one each.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really grow. Yeah, you guys, to connect with us and you know it'd be great, yeah, and. Quality over quantity. Yeah so we're hoping to see growth, which we haven't seen much of, really. I mean as far as numbers, if you want to talk numbers right. Yeah, which isn't obviously the main thing, right, but it is encouraging to see. Yeah, but yeah so yeah, it's a plan. We're just kind of dialing it back a little bit In your time studying, refocus a little bit yeah cuz I mean yeah, I mean it's gonna be good.

Speaker 2:

We've been doing pretty well.

Speaker 1:

I mean as far as the content, at least we think right.

Speaker 2:

So it's got, but you have to consider where we came from. Oh yeah where we are now. I mean, oh yeah, we're eons away from where we started.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it's been a good year. Yeah, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah learn a lot of stuff in every area. You know whether that's the actual tech side or, like just you know, actually learning life, life, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's been good, it's been interesting and and looking forward to a lot more years, hopefully, yep.

Speaker 2:

Yep All in good time.

Speaker 1:

Just one of many. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Eventually at the teach show how to edit. That'll be exciting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we're working on that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yeah, all in good time. So I'm we're coming up.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna be a lot busier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, shake a piece. Yeah, I'm gonna be working my butt off like normal. What else is new there? I mean, that's, that's, yeah, yeah, so it's gonna be great. Yeah, yeah, it'll be good. I don't know, have you learned? Is there anything in particular that kind of sticks out to you over the past?

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean Well, something that I've been thinking about recently, but it is true. I mean it goes back to, yeah, even when we first met, but it's God knows, and God has a specific purpose for our lives right, yeah and you know, he put both of us in each other's lives for a purpose and you know it's encouraging to see and it's an interesting to see how he's gonna Use it and how he already has used it.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, so how we grow together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah I mean, I think it's good to encourage me because I'm sharp to fire right.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's what we're doing through this podcast for sure, yeah, and then just on a regular basis, yeah. I mean just the four friends, beyond just podcasts. You can believe it, yeah, so yeah, that's that part is pretty interesting, but yeah, one of the interesting things to me to see is the development of how the podcast Like when we started oh yeah, I thought it was gonna be like super heavy, more heavy at least in the like the political side and then it kind of morphed into Something, and then it kind of morphed into just like oh, what are we talking about this week?

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's talk about this. Yeah, I'm kind of pulled it out of her hats, which isn't all bad. But there's time and place and now it's kind of morphin again Into a little bit of a different idea. So it's just interesting to see where we've come from. Yeah and you know it's kind of a one step at a time sort of thing it's not overnight.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, obviously, yeah, yeah, I mean, if you look at our first, podcast Five Episodes, four or five especially, yeah. Yeah, they're, they're really rough and I'm like holy cow. Yeah, I'm sorry guys.

Speaker 2:

And that's without the ones that we cut. Yeah, yeah but but hey, we're here, we're growing. It's all part of the experience and. It's gonna be great, yeah, and I think well, one thing about it's kind of weird, but like because we started new with the shadow band show and to me it's kind of like all the stuff we learn not to do right from this we kind of carried that over Into that. So that's me. Our shadow man shows been doing a little better on that front.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

So you should go check that out. It's awesome. Yeah, it's very it really is good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've been doing well organized shorts and stuff like that. Yeah, not as many as we were doing, but we're still doing them.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully we'll get that back up. Yeah, at least a more steady rate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then we're doing more of a longer Show, mm-hmm, like an hour and 30 minutes. Yeah, about that range yeah so I mean it's not your normal. I'll listen to it every day.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's like it's once a month, so it's like you know you can take your time, yeah so if you're like on a super long drive, you can listen to that.

Speaker 1:

If you're just Going on a walk, you know listen to that yeah you know, just simple, yeah not nothing that's encouraging.

Speaker 2:

It's not like you have to sit down and watch the whole thing, it's just interesting.

Speaker 1:

I like to be able to look back and see what God has done, both personally and in the podcast, and just like oh yeah he's actually working, it's not just us yeah and throughout this, you know, this whole year there's some people that have been texting me, or in the comments or whatever and just like man, keep it up. You know your encouragement to me, or you know something to that effect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like it's always encouraging.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really encouraging, at least cuz you're just like, because sometimes you feel like it's rather silent on the other end of the phone, you know, yeah and then just randomly you'll have someone Comment or do something and you're just like just think, yeah, that was nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it was encouragement, yeah, so yeah, like I've had people say they've been people who don't listen say they pray for it. Yeah, even though they don't listen, which is always, you know. I appreciate that because it's like it's a lot of yeah, work.

Speaker 2:

So that's always blessing. One thing that's been interesting to me is, you know, some of the shorts, we've gotten some Interesting comments, yeah, and and not just like personal stuff that doesn't bug me so much, but just stuff like oh well, there is no God, or oh well, you know, you just got lucky when that happened, or Stuff like that. Yeah, and it's like if you knew the God that. I know Because of things that I've experienced, right, you know, you know, it just makes me feel sorry for them.

Speaker 1:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

There was a time when that would have made me mad, but now it's just like man.

Speaker 1:

They don't know Right.

Speaker 2:

They're so blind. Yeah, and that's you know. It's a blessing to me to remember how good God is to us and how good he's been to my family and you know, just in every area, oh yeah, even with the podcast, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I think that's pretty much all we have. Yeah, it's gonna be like our hybrid episode. Yeah it's gonna be five minute Friday and whatever else it was combined. Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 1:

So kind of you're out of the ordinary, not really organized, relax Friday but, not. What are the other Adjective you can throw in there? Yeah, but yeah, any who happy when you're yeah, we're happy, you're happy. No, there we go. Mm-hmm, tell others about you know the podcast shadow been social. Mm-hmm you know, start up Following right if we will yeah that would be. That'd be really cool, though, yeah just look back through the years You're like yeah we're going head, nothing, mm-hmm, and we're like yeah.

Speaker 2:

We. Then you look back and where you came from, Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it'd be awesome yeah sweet, but all in good time for sure right and just continue waiting on the Lord. Pray for us and you know, yeah, if nothing else, watch us mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

There's more in the works.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know, over the next.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, once, summer really kind of throws a wrench in things, but once we can get past that, then new things will start happening and it'll be okay yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited. It's gonna be great, it'll be cool, so stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for watching listening.

Speaker 1:

I love you. Yeah, hope you love us. We'll see you later such a baker.

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