Young America

Be Renewed by Faith

March 09, 2024 Young America Episode 29

Have you ever felt the stirring of something deeper within your soul, an undeniable call to renew your spiritual fervor? Join us to ignite that spark, as we traverse the realm of personal revival and the profound realization that transformation starts with our own hearts. In our candid conversation, we peel back the layers of daily struggles against the devil and the flesh, all while leaning into the Bible's teachings that guide us to live in faith through Christ. Listen as we share the raw moments of a recent revival service, including my own trials, providing a beacon of hope for those yearning to embrace a life led by divine purpose.

The pursuit of meaning takes on a divine dimension as we explore the essence of existence through the Christian lens, inspired by the wisdom of Philippians 2. We tackle the searching questions of God's plan when our feelings are tempest-tossed, embracing the certainty that our confusion is not of His making. This episode promises a compass to navigate the storm, urging you to take that single, faith-filled step forward without being daunted by the unseen path ahead. You'll be uplifted by the potential for personal revival, realizing a life devoted to Christ offers riches far surpassing any earthly treasure.

Through the notion of 'outward eyeballs', we discuss the beauty of redirecting our gaze to the needs of others, thereby serving God with greater fullness and purpose. I share scriptural solace and personal notes of gratitude that underscore the liberating changes God instills within us. This episode is an invitation to revive your spirit and share the compelling power of His love, encouraging you to live out a renewed faith, and to witness the incredible shifts that await when we let divine guidance lead the way.

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Speaker 1:

The beautiful thing about it, though, is it doesn't depend on you. Ultimately, it's you accepting the fact that God gives you the peace and that he knows the plan, and you're going to follow him.

Speaker 2:

You have to choose to say no to the devil and say yes to God. Welcome back, young America. Last night of the revival for me and our church, so I'm excited, so, actually for a chapel, brother Wells preached. It was phenomenal, it was really really good. Basically, we're talking about making Do you know God personally. Basically was the point of the message and it's like it was just really good reminder for me as well. But it was just so good.

Speaker 2:

But basically it's just like, hey, do we know God personally? Do we fellowship with him? Do we talk to him? He's a heavenly father. We should. And that's how we have personal revival. And he was talking about the whole thing. He's like, yeah, we want, we want, you know, corporate revival, we want churches to be revived, we want the nation to be revived, obviously. And he gave an illustration of his friends that he knows and they've been praying for seven and a half years like that for revival, but yet they personally themselves haven't had personal revival. And it's like that's where it starts. It starts with you and you having personal revival. And it's so important to realize that because we can pray for revival, we can want revival all we want, but as long as or when we don't have it ourselves Right.

Speaker 1:

Then it doesn't matter Feeding, because that's where it starts it starts with you.

Speaker 2:

You have to purpose any term and to do it every day, and it is a personal thing, that's daily, it is daily. You know this is well. I guess it's related. But this, this beginning of this week, I could feel the temptation of the devil and it was like it was rough, it was really bad.

Speaker 2:

Because he's just, he's like no, he doesn't want you to have revival, he doesn't want you to continue to grow, he doesn't want you to do all these things. And he's always going to put that pressure on you. He's always going to be like hey, you could do this. And he puts whatever. You know, he steps in you with that day and he's like no, stop, get away from me. And it's just like make it stop, so you have to choose to have revival.

Speaker 2:

You have to choose to say no to the devil and say yes to God. And Brother Troy was talking about this last night and he was saying you have to. He gave a weird illustration of himself. He's like, you know, I in my mind, you know, obviously, because you know you're dying to self and you're, you know, you're putting yourself off and you're trying to serve God.

Speaker 1:

You're trying to do it Right.

Speaker 2:

So he's like this is what I do in my mind. Yeah, all right. And he's like this is what I do in my mind. I take myself and I tie myself up into a chair and like, all right, you stay right there and then I'm going to go serve God while you're sitting in that chair. You've got to find him up and you know, get rid of him, throw him away. And he's like sometimes you're like a musician and you get out of that. You know that rope, and then you come back and go hey, you could do this. You're like no, because he. His point was we are the worst enemies of ourselves.

Speaker 1:

If that makes sense, true, we're the ones that are damaging ourselves the most.

Speaker 2:

It's not about what everyone else thinks, not about what you know what the devil I mean. To an extent, yes, the devil is the one that's doing it, but you have to resist yourself and the devil it's. You're the one that has to do it. Basically, you're the one that has to resist yourself, resist your flesh, resist. You know you're once as a human being. You have to resist all of that and live daily, serve God daily, make it a daily decision and daily choice. And that's that's the point is daily. It has to be daily, um, yeah, so I mean that's with anything.

Speaker 2:

If you're going to see any progress, you have to be consistent with it, you have to be daily with it. So, especially, especially in the spiritual realm and the spiritual life, you have to be daily and intentional with what you do with God and what you do with the devil and yourself. So it's just been a really good week and a good reminder to think about. Um, that's what revival is. It's just daily killing yourself in a sense, but actually, killing yourself but killing your desires, killing your once.

Speaker 2:

And just living for God. Yeah, and you know, I just can't Just reading Paul and going through all the stuff that Paul says, it's like man Paul, like he seriously believed everything he wrote. I mean, obviously it's from God, but he believed it was real to him. And it's just like man Paul was such an example, he lived, it was so true and it's like, oh my goodness, yeah, that's where it glades into 2020. That's what's been happening with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I, but Christ lived in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. You know, your old man was crucified on the cross and now you have Christ in you. Now that doesn't mean that the old man doesn't come and knock on the door and try to tear you back down.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, all the time.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, it's amazing how much your flesh and your own body and your own emotions try to tear you down. You know, it was like a. You ever have those days where it's just a war all day long, you know, and it's just, oh, yeah, you know what's right, yeah, and you're trying to do what's right, but your flesh is like, nah, you don't want to do that. Yeah, yes, I do, and it's like no, you don't Anyway, but then the beautiful thing about it though is, it doesn't depend on you.

Speaker 1:

Ultimately, it's you accepting the fact that God gives you the peace and that he knows the plan and you're going to follow him, and it's what God does through you that conquers that flesh and helps you be a blessing to others and leads you in the way you should go. You know, that's another layer that I would add on top of to what you're saying is it is daily and it is what you like. You have to do it. In a sense, it's your faith, but it's not your power. It's God's power through you, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it gets very easy, you know.

Speaker 1:

You and I both know this. It you know, and in my own personal life, it's very easy to be like me. Me, I can do it, I'm strong, you know, look at me and then, as soon, as you start feeling that way and thinking that way, it tells like there you go and flat on your back again and getting pummeled and you're like God what happened? And it's like, well, maybe if you depended on me and didn't depend on yourself, you wouldn't be where you're at right now yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's. I mean, I've been learning a lot of things in the past couple of weeks, but that's one of them is it doesn't depend on you, it depends on God. So if you put your dependence in the right place and you're going to come out all right, if that makes sense. Anyways, yeah, it's been a good week. I've been learning a lot of stuff. I mean, it's unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

My verse for today I'll show you this with you guys, because it you know, I don't know just my verse for the day. I try to write down a verse every day that I can put right here on my desk, that I can look at while I'm doing school and stuff. It says it's Isaiah 43, 19. Behold, I will do a new thing Now. It shall spring forth, shall you not know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. You know, and sometimes you feel like you're in the wilderness and there isn't a way and you're just lost and you're dying. But God is going to do a new thing in you. It's going to spring forth and he's going to make rivers in the desert. He's going to make the path for you. You just have to follow it. And the thing is you can't always see the whole path, but he lights it up as you go. You know the word is a lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path? I believe it is, and so you're not always going to see the whole path, but God knows the whole path. You just have to take the step by faith, putting your dependence in him. All right, I know this is what you want me to do, so that's what I'm going to do and you go from there. That's a wonderful thing. Keeps it exciting, a little bit confusing and all scary sometimes, but it's like all right, you do a new thing.

Speaker 1:

My verse for yesterday, while I'm on the topic, is just real quick. First Corinthians or first Chronicles, 1913,. It says be of good courage and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people and for the city of our God, and let the Lord do that which is good in his sight. What the two phrases I might? The first phrase in the last phrase be phrase be of good courage. And then it says and let the Lord do that which is goodness site. So God is going to give you the courage. He never leaves it. For sakes. You have to have faith. Just wait and watch and see what the Lord's going to do. He's going to create that new thing. You just may not be overnight, necessarily, but he's still going to do it. Watch and wait, see what the Lord's going to do. That's exciting, you know. Even though you don't know what it is right now, you know he's leading you that direction and it's.

Speaker 1:

It's cool, Right.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I know something that I think we both have been learning is like it takes dependence upon God. And you know, we've been learning a lot of stuff, you know recently and it's encouraging to me because it's like we can always learn something new. God is always ready to show you something new. We should just have to seek it out. You just have to look for it and want it and you have to be diligent about it. And you know we know we've said this a couple times at least but it's like God knows and he's just waiting for you to realize that you are nothing. You are just a human being know that.

Speaker 2:

Right and it's just like dude. When we realize that we can put our trust in God, we realize that we can put our dependence in God, it's like a whole new world just opens up. We're like man.

Speaker 1:

I don't have to worry about anything in life.

Speaker 2:

I don't have to do you know, it's just like God. I have a God that cares about me, I have a God that loves me, and it's like man. I'm unstoppable in a sense. You know, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

It's because God's unstoppable, when we yeah, when we put our trust in God and we put our faith in him, he continues to grow that faith and he continues just, you know, to pull you and strengthen you and it's just, it's encouraging to see you know just how far we've come. You know both of us as as a friend and, as you know, a podcast community, if you will, just to see you know the the, the growth that we've each had and it's just like man, god wants to do so much and God is, he wants to do stuff and we just need to.

Speaker 1:

Get out of the way you know, get out of her way put ourselves under, under God, just be what Paul did.

Speaker 2:

Do what Paul says Kill your, kill your body, die to yourself. I think of Philippians, I think it's chapter 2, but it's for me to live. Is Christ in the dyes game, mm-hmm For me to live is Christ. Yeah, so you look at that verse. It's like Christ is the reason that we're living, christ is the reason that we're here. That's all we're here for is for Christ, for me to live is Christ.

Speaker 2:

You know you can take that word and you can substitute it for. You know whatever you want to live for. You know For me to live is money, okay. So what you're doing, you're just living for money.

Speaker 2:

That's all you're here for is rich and then you die and then you go to hell because that's all you're here for. Okay, so you can take that. And he's like hey, for me to live is Christ. For me to live is to serve God. For me to live Is to please God. That's what we're here for as Christians. It's not for what I want, it's not for what someone else wants. It's for me to please God.

Speaker 2:

And it's so important to grasp that truth because that's all we're here for, right? That's all we're here for is for God. It's not about our flesh and our wants and our desires and whatever what else wants for us. It's like no, can those ideas, can it all? Nobody cares, it's God, and God will provide for you. God will show you the way. God will give you the truth, god will give you the strength, god will give you the provision that you need to serve him. He will take care of you. He loves you. He doesn't want you to.

Speaker 2:

You know Squander and you know nothing. He knows all your needs, but he wants you, yeah, he wants you to realize that. Hey, I am nothing, I am nobody. I need everything that God has for me and he's the only one that can give it to me because he's God, he can, and, yeah, we realize that we are nobody, we are nothing, we, we can't be anything without God. And it's just like so Inspiring, because it's like God did everything for us and all he asks us to do is just to search it out. Yeah, he's like dude guys, come on, get your act together. I've done everything already for you. I've written the Bible. Come on, I died for you. All you have to do it Just search it out and read and just grasp it all. It's like it's not that difficult. I mean, yes, it's hard to you know, resist the devil.

Speaker 1:

And it's hard to super complicated, put yourself under.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, and and yeah, it's, it's hard in that moment, but you know, like the last episode, we're talking about his prayer. We need to pray and ask God for his grace, and ask God for his strength, and ask God for wisdom, and he will provide it. Yep, you know, if we're Right and if we're consistently reading and praying in our Bibles and to God, he will answer that prayer, he will give you wisdom, he will give you direction and you know, sometimes we may not know exactly what's happening. We may not know why things, certain things, happen, but God does. He knows, and we don't have to worry about what's gonna happen next. We don't have to worry about anything. Yeah, the only thing that he wants us to do is to rely on him, to trust in him. That's all he wants us to do. Yep, and he will take care of the rest. He will, 100% guaranteed.

Speaker 1:

Yep always will.

Speaker 2:

It's just like if we can get Christians to wake up and realize that, hey, god wants to work on our life and God wants to change our life as people. Mm-hmm, it's a beautiful thing to see. So, yeah, I'm just encouraging everyone to just get on board, get personal revival, because that's where it starts, right, you can't see difference in the world if you yourself are not changed. You can't see the difference when you're still living in sin and we're still being an ungodly depending on yourself, christian, you're just a label Self-dependence, you know.

Speaker 2:

I think that gets in a lot of people's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just, you know, cuz back a little bit earlier.

Speaker 1:

You're talking about faith and one of the things that I've been learning this week and I think this is very key for Christians the grasp is. God Gives us things like peace and joy, whether we feel it or not, and you can have faith opposite your feelings, and that's one of the most amazing things ever, because I, you know I don't know about you, but I know recently it's been a lot of feelings going on that aren't necessarily true to the fact of God's word, and the reality is that we can have faith in him even though we don't feel happy, or or maybe we do feel depressed, or we feel sad or we feel confused. You can still have faith. And One of the things that has helped restore my confidence a little bit, in a sense, and helps get my brain back on my head, is like I'm a planner and you know, I think you know it's one of those things where I thought I had a plan or I knew the plan, and then God's like no, that's not the plan. You're like what? What do you mean? It's not.

Speaker 2:

Well, then, you finally realize it's like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't have to know the plan, I just have to know the step, you know, and that's where you know it says oh, I can't remember. If I wrote this first down, I might have. I've been writing a lot of verses down recently. Okay, first, corinthians 1433. I actually Included this in the five-minute Thursday. It says for God is not the author of confusion.

Speaker 1:

Oh piece all churches of the Saints. And so God is not the author of confusion. And you know, when God starts revealing your plan and your plan changes all of a sudden, it's kind of confusing. But it doesn't have to be confusing. God isn't the author of confusion. The way you can have that piece and the way you cannot be confused is to realize I, you don't have to know the plan, you just have to know the step and you can be confident in that step right there. You know you can take it boom by faith. You take the step. Doesn't matter what everything else is going on, it doesn't matter what you feel, you take the step by, by faith. Your confidence should come from Christ. And another thing too, you know, because I've had these thoughts this week you know you ever feel kind of like Washed up and just not really worth anything. You know what I mean just kind of like, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what am I supposed to do now?

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean, like yikes. Well, yeah, the reality is you are worth something. You were something to God and he has a plan and he wants you to serve him. And so, just because maybe things aren't going the way you thought they were gonna go, or maybe just because you don't feel a certain way, that doesn't matter. You matter to God and you matter to others and he wants to serve you. You have worth. Your worth comes from him. Serve him. That's what he wants you to do. Yeah, and Right now.

Speaker 1:

I you know, I don't know if there's other ways that I can be serving right now, but I'm praying that, if there is, that God would show me what he wants me to do. You know and I did nothing that goes with this is I've been learning that At all costs, do not serve. Try to serve God in the pride of your power. Don't do it because you're doing it. Do it because God's doing it through you. Yeah, if you're doing anything, whether it's this podcast, or whether it's serving at church, or whether it's Trying to be a blessing to other people or your family, or whatever it is, if you're doing it because you can do it and because it's your power and it's what you should do. When you're doing it out of duty, that doesn't matter. It matters what God is doing through you. Let him work for you, because I Mean we were talking about this in the review this was in the message during the revival meeting last night.

Speaker 1:

It was he was talking about what? In this case? He was talking about witnessing, but it was like, you know, growing up and when he was in college and all this stuff, he would go witnessing in the pride of his power, in a sense out of you. Know, I have to do it because that's what you do. But he didn't really feel like he didn't really want to and, yeah, he wasn't asking God to use him, he was just doing it for doing its sake. Well, when he finally realized that it wasn't something that he did, is what God did through him that changed everything. That's when you start to see things change. That's when you start to see souls save. This, when you start to see you change Is when you realize that it's not you, it's God Working through you.

Speaker 1:

Right, and the way he talked about it Wednesday is you have to bow out and let him bow in and let him take control, and it's like you were talking about tying yourself up in the chair. Your old man is always going to be clinging on to you, holding you as tight as possible and being like, no, that's not what you want to do. But the fact is you know, we've said this before God's got us in his hand, and then Father's hand, and then they're together, and then you got the Holy Spirit in you, so he's not gonna let go. So just quit trying to hold on to the old man. Let him die and be crucified and Live by the faith of the Son of God. He loves you and he gave himself for you, so love him back. Yeah, amen, many weeks. That was my rant too. But there you go.

Speaker 1:

There's so much to learn, yeah good, right, feel like I've I've started to learn it, but it's just, yeah, not there yet and you haven't perfected. Of course, that's beautiful things. You never come to perfection, or I mean, we're human so we can't anyway. But right, um, there's always more to learn, there's always more to grow, there's always more faith to be had, more patience to learn and more humility and more you know. There's always more, and I want it all.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is something that I've been thinking about. But then this afternoon, when we had chapel, brother Wells talked about this and he's basically saying he's talking about the warm Christian or the hot Christian and the cold Christian, and then the lukewarm Christian. Obviously, yeah, and he was talking about how do we realize, or how do we make others realize, that they are Lukewarm, if you will, how do we make other Christians wake up? And Because, you know, obviously they'll make an excuse like, oh, yeah, I'm, yeah, I may not be everything that I should be, but at least I got heaven, at least I got this. And it's like, okay, yeah, that's true, but that's God's grace.

Speaker 2:

You know, god Doesn't require you to do anything besides trust in him to get to heaven. And then he was like maybe you can, you know, say this. And it's like People, unsaved people, are depending upon us to do our jobs. Unsaved people, look, god puts you in a specific spot, to in in people's lives, to witness to them, and and God has, you know, already been working in their lives. God has already planted the seed and you're just there to reap the reap, the Fruit of it and water it he's like.

Speaker 2:

that's why it's so important for us, as Christians, to be on fire for God. That's why it's so important for us to have a fellowship and a relationship with God, because, if you know, if we don't, god puts those people in our Life so we're never gonna witness to him, we're never gonna tell him about God and you know they may potentially die and they may go to hell. And it's like Wake them up with that fact. It's like God has put us here for that purpose. It's to win other souls to Christ and so that they don't have to go to hell. God doesn't want anyone to go to hell, and so God put you in their life for that purpose of getting them saved, of seeing the fruit of them getting saved. You know God has already done the work. God has already maybe set someone there to witness to them and maybe their heart is right now, it's, it's ready, it's right, it needs to be. You know it needs to happen now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if we're not, yeah, and if we're not Following God and we're not doing what he tells us to do, they may never get saved. You know, they may just die all of a sudden and their opportunity has gone because you didn't do your job, because you weren't faithful to God, because you, we're so stuck on yourself and this, stuck on what I want to do rather than what does God wants you to do, and it's like we need to wake up because people are dying, they are going to hell and it's because Christians are content with themselves and we're content with oh, I'm just a lukewarm Christian, I can do whatever I want because I'm going to heaven either way, and it's like no people are dying and they're going to hell. You have the opportunity to get saved and God lets you get saved, and and what the whole world people what are you doing for their souls?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's like, come on, wake up, let's go. People need to get saved, and he was talking about when we have personal. We then start seeing people get saved because that bird comes upon us and it's like, yeah, people are dying and they're going to hell and it's like we need to see people getting saved. And it was just, it was an amazing service. I really enjoyed it. It was just basically reinforcing everything that we've been saying and thinking. It's just like man, it was a good reminder and it was just a really good service. And so, yeah, I just want to encourage you guys to seriously think about it and you know, just, I don't share the podcast. Share maybe I don't know how to say this, but Tell as many people as you can you know about changing their life around, our getting revival or just being a Christian and telling people about God.

Speaker 2:

Let's be in the business of doing what God wants and not what we want as Christians, not what we want as as carnal human flesh. You need to die to yourself and you need to get rid of that thought and that way of life. It's no longer about us. God has bought us with the price. We are no longer ours, we are God's, we are children of God, we're children of light. Let us not be asleep, let us not be, you know, found drunken if you will, and we need to be sober, we need to be vigilant, we need to be prepared for the Lord coming. We need to tell others about Christ and we need to do our job as Christians. Yeah, and I think, I do think that a lot of people are searching. I believe that wholeheartedly. Yeah, there are a lot of people that are looking for the truth. There's a lot of people that are wanting to know the truth and maybe they're in your life right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and God put you there to tell them about Christ and praise the Lord. Maybe they'll get saved and we just need to do our jobs as Christians. Yeah, so it's just been one way convicting, but yet encouraging.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one thing that reminds me of something that my mom Likes to say that her parents told her is you have to have outward eyeballs, and I think that's one of the key things that I'm starting to learn. You know, all these things that I talk about are things I'm starting to learn and starting to work. I don't have them perfected by any stretch of imagination. But, right, you have to have outward eyeballs. It's not what you want, it's what God wants. And when you change your outlook from looking at the back of your eyelids To looking out and looking for your opportunities and looking at what God wants, then you start to notice, oh, I could be an encouragement to that person, oh, that person needs a friend or that person needs witness to, and that's. I Think that's one of the key things in having personal revival, and also, just as an over generalization, because that's what I do, but in general, I think it's a very American. It's easy to be this way in America because we're very independent, but very what do I want? And very me Oriented the love of me. You know, I say the love of money is the root of all evil. Well, really, it could be the love of anything. It's the love of you, the love of self, the love of gain in that case, but the love of you. That is what keeps you from doing what God wants you to do. And if you have true revival, you quit depending on yourself, whether that's you're depending on yourself to serve God or you're just looking at you and what you want. As soon as that your eyeballs get turned Not at the back of your eyelids, as soon as your eyes open and your eyeballs look out, then you start realizing the different things. And that's when you have revival, is when you quit looking at yourself and when you start letting God work through you. And that's the beautiful thing about it is God working through you, see. And it reminds me of the verse where it says with man, this is impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible and With God all things are possible. And that's the amazing thing is, you know how many Things are there in our lives and it's like man, I just don't know if good can come from this, or man, I just don't know what's gonna happen, or I don't know if I can do it or whatever. Well, the reality is you can't do it, you can't do anything about it, but we know somebody who can't. That's the amazing thing. We know somebody who can, god who wants miracles, and a God who wants to move the mountains, and a God who wants to do great, mighty things and a God who can do the impossible. So he says, call on to me and I shall answer you and show the great mighty things that they'll know. It's not so call Right and let him work through you and watch and watch. Like the verse says, let us watch and see what the Lord's going to do. He's going to do a new thing, you know. Maybe he'll save someone and do a new work in their heart. Maybe he'll work on you and create an almost sort of like a reset and a new thing in you and renew your mind. It's an amazing thing when you let Christ work through you.

Speaker 1:

Another one of my verses, a couple verses for today, we're Psalm 51, 10, and, and then verse 17 says creating me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrary heart, oh God. That will not spies, and it's when we Ask God to create in us a clean heart, a new thing. Creation, that's a new thing in a sense Create a clean heart, renew the right spirit. Maybe you're having a bad attitude or you're trapped in depression or anxiety or anger. You know that's something that I'm scared to death being trapped in anger. Because as soon as you're trapped in anger, your attitude is in the right place and you can't be used anymore. And that's just the truth. Because how is God supposed to work through an angry, bitter person, and especially if you're angry and bitter at him or someone he wants you to be unified with? Unity brings peace. Mm-hmm, that's one of the verses that I found this week about peace is, if you want to have peace in your church or in your relationships or whatever, you have to have unity and you have to not have that strife in vain glory. And it's just amazing. You know you want God to renew that right spirit in you. I want him to renew that right spirit of me and created me a clean heart. And Then have I want to have a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart, because he will not spies that. That's how he works.

Speaker 1:

Um one of the verses I talked about in the five minute Thursday. It says for thou I might rock in my fortress. Therefore, they, for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me. When you put your Dependence in God and he is your rock and he is your fortress, that's when he's gonna lead you. So if you don't know what to do, make God your dependence, make God your rock in your fortress and he's gonna lead you in the way you should go. He may not give you the whole map, but he's gonna be like Siri and say at the next left, turn left or whatever, stop, sign or whatever. You know what I mean. And so you say, okay, that's where.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna go and he's gonna get you where you're supposed to go, and it's just an amazing thing when you start letting God work through you instead of you work for you, because you can't do it.

Speaker 2:

I think we've said what we've come to say and, yeah, I hope it's been an encouragement to you, because it has been encouragement to me. And you know, let me encourage you guys just to pray to God and just seek him out and and Die to self, essentially just have personal revival, because that's what it all comes down to. So, you know, just pray to God, ask him for wisdom, ask him for guidance and pray for us as well, because we are Also in that journey and we're trying to figure out life still and we're still trying to grow and know God more. So continue to pray for us. We're not by any stretch of the imagination, but we are striving to please God and to serve God as much as we can. So I hope it's been an encouragement to you, because it has been to me, and I just thank you for the God we serve, because he is great, and so thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for watching and hope you have a great rest of your week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to young America. If you enjoyed the show, please consider sharing it with a friend, and if you want to see more content from us, please check the links in the description below and consider supporting the show. God bless America.

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