Young America

Trusting God's Path: Finding Peace and Direction through Scripture in Life's Crossroads

March 07, 2024 Young America Episode 28

Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads, anxious about the unknown path ahead? Our special five-minute Thursday session on Young America delves into the essence of faith and surrendering to God's guidance. We're bringing to light the profound truths within scriptures like Psalm 31:3 and Psalm 32:8, offering you a beacon of hope as you navigate life's uncertainties. Through personal insights and heartfelt reflections, we confront the pitfalls of self-reliance and celebrate the strength found in trusting God's unwavering plan for our lives.

This episode isn't just about spiritual enlightenment; it's a heart-to-heart on finding courage in the most challenging of times, inspired by the powerful verses we've come across in our studies. We also unpack the peace that 1 Corinthians 14:33 speaks of, applying it to our everyday decision-making and spiritual journey. If you're the type to meticulously plan every step, let this be a comforting reminder that God's incremental revelations are all part of a greater design. Join us for a soulful exploration into embracing the steps ahead with faith and the peace of knowing that each one is divinely guided.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Young America, everybody. Today we are doing a five minute Thursday just because of the way things worked out. We are going to record tonight, though, so we will have our normal full length episode out tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk about following God and having faith, and have several different verses actually, but first one is Psalm 31 3. It says for thou art my rock and my fortress. Therefore, for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me. And then Psalm 32, 8 says I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine. I now.

Speaker 1:

Here's the deal, you and I, and this is something that I've been learning. So everything I'm telling you is stuff I'm learning and still working on, but you and I don't know the way we should go. We don't know the path, and it seems like every time we come up with the plan and that and we start depending on ourselves that's one of the main things that I've learned is you know self-dependence is is gonna lead you astray every single time. But when you depend on yourself and you think you have a plan, then God leads in the other way sometimes, and that's when you realize that you need to stop depending on yourself and start depending on him. And in fact, the other matter is you can, because God is our rock, like Psalm 31, 3 says, and he's our fortress, he's our defense, he's our strength. We can depend in him, we can have dependence on him and faith in him, because he is a good God and he's gonna lead us in the way we should go. It says at the second part of Psalm 31, 3 it says therefore, for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me. You know, if God is our rock, then he will lead and guide.

Speaker 1:

And I've been studying verses on courage this week and a lot of the verses on courage say I will never leave thee, I won't fail thee, I won't forsake thee. Just because you don't understand everything that's going on or you feel a certain way, doesn't mean that God is left. In fact, that's when he's carrying you and setting your feet upon a rock and taking you out of the. My repit. And then, if you look over at Psalm 32, 8, it says I, speaking of God, will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou shalt go, and I will guide thee with mine. I now this. Of course, this is just supporting our main point that God instructs and teaches and guides us in the way. But notice, it doesn't say that I'm just gonna give you the whole plan and show you the whole path. No, no, it says I'm gonna teach you the way which thou shalt go. That doesn't mean he's gonna tell you everything all at once. He's gonna reveal it to you as you need to know it and he's gonna guide with an eye. If you're guiding someone, you're not gonna tell them the you. They can't always see the whole plan, you're not always gonna see the whole plan, but God knows the whole plan and that's what you can depend on is that God knows the whole plan.

Speaker 1:

Now, another verse that's stuck out to me this week that has to do with this is 1st Corinthians 1433. It says for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. Now, context he's talking about speaking in tongues and those sorts of things and how we should, in a sense, preach with understanding, and in this case, in the case of speaking in tongues, we shouldn't. You know, that can cause confusion if you don't use it carefully, and that's a whole another thing for another time that would have to be fleshed out. But the fact of the matter is, god is not the author of confusion. He has the plan and we can be content to know that. He has the plan and he's gonna show us a step we need to take when he's ready for us to take it. You know I don't know about other people listening to this, but I know I'm a planner. I like to know the whole plan. But God doesn't give us the whole plan. He just shows us the next step.

Speaker 1:

So let's not be confused about what the plan is.

Speaker 1:

Let's focus on what the next step is and have peace about that and do that, and then he's gonna show you the next thing when it's time for you to know.

Speaker 1:

God shows you things as it's time for you to know, and that's how he builds your faith and builds your dependence. It helps you depend on him when you finally realize that you don't know what's happening or going on or what to do about this, that or the other thing. But God does, and that's what really matters is that God knows and we have to depend on him. We can't do anything in the pride of our power. We can't do anything of our own ability or of our own will. It's God working through us as Christians, and that's just something that I've been learning and that's something that I want to share. And you know, it's a beautiful and freeing truth when you realize that you know it doesn't depend on you and you don't have to know everything right now, because God knows everything. You just have to depend on him and have the faith to take the step that he wants you to take.

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