Young America

Forging Spiritual Armor: Equipping Yourself with Divine Strength Against Dark Forces

February 23, 2024 Young America Episode 25
Forging Spiritual Armor: Equipping Yourself with Divine Strength Against Dark Forces
Young America
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Forging Spiritual Armor: Equipping Yourself with Divine Strength Against Dark Forces
Feb 23, 2024 Episode 25
Young America

Ever feel overwhelmed by life's battles, as though you're going into a fight barehanded? This episode is your forge, where we craft the spiritual armor Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6:10-18. Together, we'll understand why our own strength is no match for spiritual adversaries and why divine empowerment is key. As we examine each piece of the armor, from the belt of truth to the helmet of salvation, we delve into their profound significance and how they collectively fortify us against the forces of darkness.

Wearing this armor is no mere Sunday sermon; it's a daily practice that requires diligence and faith. We talk about the practical steps to 'put on' this armor, ensuring you're not just hearing the Word but living it out with every step. By the end of our discussion, you'll have a clear blueprint for standing your ground in the evil day and wielding the sword of the Spirit with unwavering confidence. Join us on this journey to arm yourself with wisdom and strength that transcends the physical realm.

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Ever feel overwhelmed by life's battles, as though you're going into a fight barehanded? This episode is your forge, where we craft the spiritual armor Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6:10-18. Together, we'll understand why our own strength is no match for spiritual adversaries and why divine empowerment is key. As we examine each piece of the armor, from the belt of truth to the helmet of salvation, we delve into their profound significance and how they collectively fortify us against the forces of darkness.

Wearing this armor is no mere Sunday sermon; it's a daily practice that requires diligence and faith. We talk about the practical steps to 'put on' this armor, ensuring you're not just hearing the Word but living it out with every step. By the end of our discussion, you'll have a clear blueprint for standing your ground in the evil day and wielding the sword of the Spirit with unwavering confidence. Join us on this journey to arm yourself with wisdom and strength that transcends the physical realm.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Young America everybody. Today's 5 minute Friday is going to be on the armor of God. That's Ephesians 6, verses 10 through 18. It says Now, the armor of God is one of my favorite passages and one of the first things that I want to talk about is the armor of God. Now, the armor of God is one of my favorite passages and one of the first things it says. In verse 10 it says I like to sec this first two verses it is and be strong in the Lord reminds me of the verse that says and it just reminds me that we cannot do anything in our own strength. We can't even put on the armor of God in our own strength. We need to depend on the Lord and accept what he gives us and depend on his strength and his power. And that's how we can do it and that's how we stand against the wilds of the devil. Because, let's be honest, I think we all know, even our own flesh, the devil and all his cohorts are very good at being wily. And then, if we look at verse 12, it says Now, obviously we know this is talking about. We're not fighting a physical battle. You know there are physical battles, there's a lot of physical battles going on right now, but ultimately, especially as Christians, we're not fighting a physical battle. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We are fighting against the devil and his minions, and he hates us, and our job is to make sure that the gates of hell don't prevail against it. That means we're supposed to be on offense. The only way we can be on the offense is if we're wearing the right armor. We're doing what's right Now.

Speaker 1:

The next verse, verse 13, says Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day. And having done all to stand Verse 14, stand, therefore, having your loins gird about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness. See, the first two pieces of armor listed is truth and righteousness. God has given us the truth, and that is our main. One of the one thing we could say is one of the devil's main ways that he tricks humans is by lying, which is why we must be armed with the truth, the truth of God's word and we'll get to God's word again later on in the passage and then righteousness. Our job is to live as righteously as possible. God is a holy God and we are supposed to emulate that as much as possible. Now, obviously we're not perfect, but that is one of our main defenses is righteousness and truth.

Speaker 1:

Now, in verse first, 15, it says and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Now we have to have good footwear, whether you're hiking or running or whatever you're doing, and you know it's the same, for the soldier has to have good footwear, and our footwear, as a Christian soldiers, is the preparation of the gospel of peace, the gospel, god's word, and the peace that that brings. Verse 16 says above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. This verse I think about a lot, in that the devil always has his bow bent. I mean, you read in Psalms, sort of metaphorically, but even literally, for David, the bow was bent against him, and the devil is always waiting for us to put the shield of faith down so that he can get in a shot at us when in reality we should be holding the shield of faith up.

Speaker 1:

It's our trust and dependence in God that defends us against the devil and his wiles, and that's what's going to keep us from sin. It's our trust in him the gospel of peace, the truth, the righteousness and then, finally, last you things, verse 17. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Now, the helmet of salvation is accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, putting your full dependence on him for eternal life. And then the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Obviously, that's being armed with the word of truth, or you could say the gospel of peace. That is again the word of God. Now, at the end of the day, how do we put on this armor? Well, it's through prayer, and through prayer to God and asking him for his strength, and picking up the shield of faith, learning the Bible and doing what's right. Have a good week. God bless America.