Young America

Navigating the Comparison Trap: Cultivating Contentment and Identity in Christ's Plan

February 22, 2024 Young America Episode 24
Navigating the Comparison Trap: Cultivating Contentment and Identity in Christ's Plan
Young America
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Young America
Navigating the Comparison Trap: Cultivating Contentment and Identity in Christ's Plan
Feb 22, 2024 Episode 24
Young America

Have you ever caught yourself in the snare of comparing your faith journey to someone else's highlight reel? Today, we pull back the curtain on the comparison game that many Christians grapple with, revealing a transformative perspective on finding contentment in God's unique plan for each of us. Through engaging discussions grounded in God's word, we journey together into the heart of what it truly means to serve and glorify the Lord in a world that often misses the mark.

Examining the early Christian community's struggles, we're reminded that the quest for approval and status isn't a new phenomenon. I open up about my own moments of wrestling with these challenges, sharing stories that will both comfort and convict, as we navigate the murky waters of societal pressures and spiritual values. We address the importance of nurturing a Christian community that seeks spiritual growth over worldly success, and the beauty of a life steeped in gratitude and  encouragement.

As the conversation unfolds, we confront the obstacles that can derail our priorities, offering insights into balancing the need for acceptance with unwavering faith. Listeners are invited to reflect on their own lives, considering how the allure of comparison can distract from a genuine pursuit of God's purpose. Anchoring our identity in Christ, we end on a powerful note, rallying a call to live out our convictions boldly, embrace persecution with joy, and ignite a passion for spiritual revival in a world that often settles for far too little. Join us on this journey to deeper faith and renewed purpose.

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Have you ever caught yourself in the snare of comparing your faith journey to someone else's highlight reel? Today, we pull back the curtain on the comparison game that many Christians grapple with, revealing a transformative perspective on finding contentment in God's unique plan for each of us. Through engaging discussions grounded in God's word, we journey together into the heart of what it truly means to serve and glorify the Lord in a world that often misses the mark.

Examining the early Christian community's struggles, we're reminded that the quest for approval and status isn't a new phenomenon. I open up about my own moments of wrestling with these challenges, sharing stories that will both comfort and convict, as we navigate the murky waters of societal pressures and spiritual values. We address the importance of nurturing a Christian community that seeks spiritual growth over worldly success, and the beauty of a life steeped in gratitude and  encouragement.

As the conversation unfolds, we confront the obstacles that can derail our priorities, offering insights into balancing the need for acceptance with unwavering faith. Listeners are invited to reflect on their own lives, considering how the allure of comparison can distract from a genuine pursuit of God's purpose. Anchoring our identity in Christ, we end on a powerful note, rallying a call to live out our convictions boldly, embrace persecution with joy, and ignite a passion for spiritual revival in a world that often settles for far too little. Join us on this journey to deeper faith and renewed purpose.

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Speaker 1:

They're gonna look down at us and they're gonna look at us like we're weird and we're crazy, and you know we go to church on every Sunday and every Sunday night and Wednesday. It's like, oh wow, you're a nut. It's like, okay, maybe I am a nut, but I'm serving the Lord. And what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

Jesus has got us in his hand. In no way it can pluck him out. But then the father has got us in his hand and no one's gonna pluck him out of there. And then I and my father are one, so then it's like the one big fist gets.

Speaker 1:

All tight together.

Speaker 2:

And then you have to consider after that that we're indwelled by the Holy Spirit too, and he's never leaving. So by the time you're surrounded and indwelled, ain't nothing gonna happen. You.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the young America podcast and, um, I hope you're having a great week.

Speaker 1:

We are going to be talking about the problem of comparison and how that affects our lives and how we can, you know, try to avoid that. And so I guess the problem today is that we as Americans, we as Christians, even compare ourselves to the world and society and everyone else and everything else, and that is a problem, because, rather than being content and rather than you know, you know, the Bible says, with godliness, with contentment is a great game, and you know, god has put us in this place for a reason. God has given us the things he has given us for a reason, and that's something that I've been, you know, learning recently is everything happens for a reason. God has specific purpose for when you're at, why you're at. You know, whatever you want to say, there is a specific reason and a purpose. We don't always know, maybe we never know what that reason is, but god does indeed have a purpose, but, uh, so, yeah, that's what we're going to be talking about today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, just getting started off. I mean because we think about. Obviously, like you said, the problem is comparison and comparing ourselves among ourselves and to each other, and I guess one, one question we could bring up that I didn't think about to just now is why is comparison a problem, like you would think, like don't you want to fit in with everybody else or or be liked, or however you want to look and frame the question? And in reality, oftentimes I think the main problem is that we compare ourselves too much to others. You know, it's not that you should just wear whatever you want because you don't care, supposedly, or whatever. You know there are standards.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, you I think, often when we think about it, we're thinking about it in the context of what we believe or what our social status is in that particular area and that's when it comes to what god has given you and your identity in christ, and you don't you get your identity from god if you're a christian and not from Others, or how you feel or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, actually we I'm taking a class anyways During this semester and it's first Corinthians class. So basically, we're going through the book of Corinthians and, um, you know we've been talking about you know the problems that the christen's are having, and one of them is being Cut up with status and cut up with oh, what can I be? What? You know? What Can I bring her? You know, comparing yourself.

Speaker 2:

Essentially, or making yourself modern day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, making yourself known. And Paul's addressing that problem and he's saying, hey, it doesn't matter how many people you have as a following, it doesn't matter, you know who you know in society. And Corinth was very carnal, carnal, uh, city and very carnal generally. And so it was a struggle for paul and for christians to live, especially in corrent, because everything was about how, the flesh and appeasing the flesh and appeasing your pride and appeasing, you know, essentially your human nature. And so Paul was definitely struggling with addressing the problem and he had to write four letters to them, which we find out.

Speaker 1:

The first letter they completely misunderstood it, and so Paul wrote First Corinthians. And then they didn't receive First Corinthians, well, and so Paul had to go visit them. He's like, all right, you people need to get your act together. And then he leaves and he writes the severe letter which is the one in between First and Second Corinthians, and he sends Titus with that letter to the Church of Corinth. And then Titus writes back to Paul and saying, ok, everything's starting to go well and people are starting to listen.

Speaker 1:

And so Paul writes Second Corinthians and he's like, ok, now we can rejoice that you are that you are getting pointed in the right direction and so, anyways, the whole thing is status and what can we get, as you know, as as a people or as a person, and Paul's like hey, you know, it doesn't matter what or how or why, it's not about us, essentially, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, I've been reading that in Philippians, paul's talking about it doesn't matter who we are, why, you know, it doesn't matter about ourselves, it's all about the purpose of serving God and glorifying God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that makes me think too. I think one of our main issues with comparison is because you said it is that. Well, what it made me think of, anyway, is that we've replaced God with ourselves, and when you become God, then you have to make sure you're the best one. So that means you have to compare yourself to everybody else.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's ultimately the problem, and I think we'll get back to that. But just some ways. You know that we compare ourselves, of course, we compare ourselves to our peers, our friends, I mean that's. I mean we could just stay there for a while. I mean I think about myself in high school working at camp or even in college. There, you know, that was very easy to be like oh, what do others think of me, or what's my status.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I've never really been like popular I would say, but you know, it's not that people don't care about that.

Speaker 1:

Let's just be honest.

Speaker 2:

But in reality, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what people think of you or what your status is or how high on the totem pole you are, and you should have the kind of friends who are trying to build you up anyway, not trying to figure out how to stand on top of your head, and you shouldn't be trying to stand on top of theirs either. That's not the goal. The goal is to lift each other up on your shoulders.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean with. You know, the problem with comparison is it's unnecessary. We compare ourselves to our friends and it's like, oh, I don't have this, I don't have this, or I don't have that, and they have this. And it's like dude, why does it matter? You're causing yourself so much more trouble and so much more anguish and pain. It's like, why does it even matter? You know, it's like, oh, they have a really nice car. Oh, they have this or that. It's like, okay, and with yeah, right, so it's detrimental because you can sit there and talk and be sorry for yourself. And it's like, oh, I don't have this, I don't have that. And it's like dude, who cares? God has given you what you have. Be grateful for it. And yeah, some people are going to have more than you.

Speaker 1:

That's how life works. You just got to get after it. You know God provides God. You know that's something that I've learned and I'm learning still. But you know, being in college, I have to flip the bell, I have to pay for things and money isn't free. You know, nothing is free. So you have to get off your behind and get to work. And if you want it, you got to buy it for yourself. It's not just going to fall into your lap.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just another example of you know people who we compare ourselves to. Well, the way I wrote it is our idols. Or you know popular people. I mean think about how many like, oh, that movie actor is so great, or this athlete or whatever. I've never really I mean, I don't know, that doesn't really faze me a whole lot, but I know a lot of people do it and I think it hurts a lot of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean you're comparing yourself to someone that is living in the world and is successful in the world, and you know you have to look at the standards like, okay, am I going to stoop that low?

Speaker 1:

You know you look at the movies there you know, you look at the movies that people create and it's there's, you know, stupid things that go in and on the movies and there's things that shouldn't be, you know in the movies or whatever, and it's like, are you really going to stoop that low Just For a movie so others can look at you like, oh, I want to be like him, he's really cool. It's like, is it really that cool? No, it's really not. So I mean, at what cost are you Getting your status and what's the cost? Are you getting what you have? You know, is it worth it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to put your, your ethics and your, you know you have to have standards and Mm-hmm and you know it, there's the same you have to stand for something or you're, or you will fall for nothing. So you know, making these movies, that, yeah, they may be cool to the world, they may be. Oh man, that was really cool. Whatever, it's like mm-hmm Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, didn't mean anything, if anything. There's no poison Right it's I mean.

Speaker 1:

Movies are just fake. They're entertainment. There's no purpose Really for movies. It's just to waste your time, rather than you know, sitting there watching Nonsense on your phone or watching it on your TV. Just go do something with your life. Go Be productive, you know.

Speaker 2:

I think another way I think this is probably where most people can and agree is comparison on social media and Mm-hmm Like. This is where my mind goes, anyway is like looking at other people oh they did this or he did that, oh, they have this, whatever. That affects a lot of people. I mean, there's a lot you could say with that too, but it's incredible and it's scary to me too, even looking at myself how much time I spend just scrolling because my mind hurts and I want to numb it.

Speaker 2:

But Number one that's dangerous because that's how the devil gets in and, yes, your flesh and.

Speaker 2:

Number two it's like you don't need to be. It's opening the door for comparison, comparisons that you don't need to make and Comparisons that are gonna hurt you, they're gonna depress you, they're going to make you do things you wish you didn't. I think, ultimately, I Mean because we talk about the problem of comparison. We've talked about all the ways you can't compare yourself, but why is it an issue? It's an issue because it's Causing you to become something you're not, or it's causing you to want something you can't have.

Speaker 1:

It has to do with covetousness.

Speaker 2:

And and selfishness and self-centeredness and replacing God with man. When you become the center of attention, then that's when comparison becomes a danger, mm-hmm, and I think that's key to point out. And another thing I wanted to point out what our priorities as Christians are, and I think that would be a good episode to have, like what is your Priority? Is your priority your fun? Is it God? Is it school? Is it work? What's your priority? Yeah, and how should those priorities you know, your family, how should those priorities line up? Because obviously, I mean, some of those things aren't wrong, it just they need to be in the right place. And I think, too, that's another thing with comparison is what's our priority? Is our priority what everyone thinks about us and being Self-centered, or what God thinks of us? That's the only comparison we should make. Yeah, that's what I would say, and I think that's why, for Christians, that's why comparison is so dangerous is because we keep take our focus off of God and unto ourselves, and that's what the devil wants, because he wins that way right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you know, especially in college, yeah, that's the big thing is Carrying about what others think about you and it's like oh, I want to fit in with the gold kids, oh, I want to do this, I want to do that, and To an extent, there's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 1:

To an extent, you know until you start Right until you start giving up your standards, until you start Talking about things you shouldn't be talking about. You start listening to things you shouldn't be listening to. You know you need that list. Could you go on, but I think it's very dangerous because we're looking at oh, all these Guys are cool, all these people are cool and I want to hang out with them. I don't be like them and I want to you. You start to form that mentality is like oh, how can I be cool, how can I do this? And it's all about yourself and just like you're saying, it's it's jealousy and it's you know, your cover cheese and we shouldn't be your. You know, if we're Christians, we should be content with what we have. You know and right, that's hurting us as Christians and it's hurting us as Society in general. We're constantly seeing what we can do to make others happy.

Speaker 1:

Basically rather than doing what we need to do to make God happy and doing what we need to do to better ourselves and there's nothing wrong with bettering yourself. I think it's important we we get so caught up in the world and devices and Politics, and you know all the social media stuff and it's like it's unnecessary and we we're seeing everything that everyone else is doing.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh man, I'm just sitting here in my dorm room doing nothing. It's like, no, there's a purpose you're there for and, and you can't let the things get to you and you can't let the devil get into your mind and Place the seeds of doubt and place things that shouldn't be there.

Speaker 2:

So Cuz he's ready.

Speaker 1:

I mean honestly, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

If you're already of your flesh comparing yourself. He's already done his job. He doesn't have to do anything Right. And it's when you start doing something, that's when you start feel the arrows fly. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think you and I both can attest to that. Yes, like holy cow when did that come?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

Yeah that's just constant, I would rather be there and Be able to depend on God and use the shield of faith that quench the darts, then be in the place where I'm doing it to myself, and the devil doesn't have to do it and lift a finger, right, yeah, but so, ultimately, when it comes down to just continuing on, I guess. But so we talked about the problem, we talked about why it's a problem, so the question remains, then is like okay, where? What should? If we're not supposed to compare ourselves to others, then what are we supposed to do? Where does our identity come from? And that could be a whole episode in itself about identity, but we won't go there yet. But Ultimately, though, for the Christian, our identity, and our solution to the problem of comparison and the depression that it brings, and the other baggage that comes along with it, is who we are, in Christ, and remembering that we are Christ, and it matters what he thinks of us and what others think of us, and the first thing with that is Like I have written down here. It says if you are saved, you belong to God, but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. So this verse is saying that those who have believed on his name are the sons of God. We are God's children, we are his sons, his daughters. You know, whatever you are, we belong to him and that's where our identity comes from. And so it doesn't matter what others think of us, it matters what God thinks of us.

Speaker 2:

And then, going over to John 10, I am the good shepherd and know my sheep and I'm known of mine as the father know with me. Even so, know I the father, and I lay down my life for the sheep and other sheep I have which are not of this. Fold them also. I must break and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. Therefore, death. My father loved me because I lay down my life that I might take it again. No man take it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have the power to take it again. This commandment have I received on my father.

Speaker 2:

Now, this passage. What I want to point out here is that God is the good shepherd and that we are a sheep and he knows us and knows us by our names, and that's just it. I mean, first of all that's comfort to know that God knows who we are and that he knows us by her name, and that just shows you again that we belong to Christ. We don't belong to what others in their opinion. We belong to Christ.

Speaker 2:

And then verse 27 through 30 says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Either shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave to me, is greater than all and no man is able to Pluck them out of my father's hand. I and my father are one. I think I've said this before, on the podcast probably. But this, those few verses right, there are some my favorite, because Jesus has got us in his hand and no man can pluck him out. But then the father has got us in his hand and no one's gonna pluck him out of there and then.

Speaker 2:

I, my father, are one, so then it's like the one big fist gets all tight together.

Speaker 2:

And then you have to consider after that that we're indwelled by the Holy Spirit too, and he's never leaving. So by the time you're surrounded and indwelled, ain't nothing gonna happen. You know, and the Lord is so good to us that he does that, because I Tell you what we're kind of stubborn and try to jump out sometimes in a sense, but in reality he's never gonna let us go, he's never gonna leave us, and so it doesn't matter what other people think, it matters what God thinks, because we belong to him, and that's the truth of the matter and that's a fact, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, we see that. You know if, if we are saved, we, we do belong to God. And then, moving on to our next point, you're not gonna fit in the world and you're not gonna, you're gonna be different from the world, Right?

Speaker 2:

you know this is anyway, better be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this was Evident in you know, just in my life. You know I've had several different jobs and each job that I've been at they have always called me like a pastor or like evangelists or something to that Extent. It's like they know that there's a difference and they see that there's a difference and you know we shouldn't be ashamed of that at all. You know they're gonna look down at us and they're gonna look at us like we're weird and we're crazy. And you know we go to church on every Sunday and every Sunday night and Wednesdays like, oh, wow, you're a nut. It's like, okay, maybe I am a nut, but I'm serving the Lord, and what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

So you know, in Matthew, chapter 5 and verse 11, it says blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of Evil against you falsely. For my sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted day. The prophets which which were before you. So you know is the same. We should rejoice and we should be, we should be happy that we can suffer affliction for for Christ. And we don't. We weren't. We know we're not being beat and we're not being thrown in prison yet yet, but I think it'll come eventually. But, um, you know, back when the apostles were alive, they were beat, they were thrown in prison and they rejoice. They're like we are kind of worthy to be beaten for Christ and it should be a joy, it should be an exciting. It's like, hey, I'm worthy to serve the Lord, you know, and that's how we should look at it as Christians. It should be a joy to us. It shouldn't be something that we look down upon, it's like oh yeah, I have to go to church, oh yeah, I have to do this. It's like, no, I get to go to church, you get to serve the Lord. It's, it's a blessing, it's, it's an opportunity that you have.

Speaker 1:

You know, we are blessed to live in United States of America. We have the freedom of speech technically not so much anymore but we have the freedom of religion. We have all these freedoms and we are blessed because not everyone has those freedoms. We have, you know, the privilege to serve God openly and we don't have to be Ashamed of it and we don't have to, you know, hide in, you know caves or tunnels or whatever you. So we have that opportunity and that's what it what. That's what we should look at it as as an opportunity, and it's not some mundane task, that we have to serve God and it's like, no, we get to serve God. And I Think our perspective of Christian as Christians has has shifted. As, oh, I have to go to church on Sunday, I have to do that or yeah, it's, and it shouldn't be a chore.

Speaker 1:

It's. It's God. He's the one that created you, he's the one that gave you life, he's the one that died for you. Have some decency and serve him. You know, like, come on, that's very least. It says in verse 12 rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they, the prophets which were before you. And so it's saying, yeah, we maybe be, we may be Look down upon, but we should rejoice and be exceeding glad. And then it says for great is your reward in heaven, um, we're gonna get reward in heaven for this, for serving God, and for, you know, being persecuted, and um, and then it says, for so persecuted they, the prophets which were before you.

Speaker 1:

So it's, it's not a new thing that, oh, you're special, you're a Christian, you're getting persecuted. Now, no, it's always been a thing. You look at the Jews, you look at you know, um, christianity, it's always been under attack and the devil's always been trying to shut Christianity, christianity down. But the Lord is on the throne and he's reigning supreme and he's not gonna let that happen, and so it doesn't matter what you're going through people have gone through it and much worse and so, in a sense, suck it up. But, you know, be glad that you have the opportunity to serve God, because not everyone does. Yay and all that will live, godly and Christy. This shall suffer persecution, um, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But continuing thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom Thou has learned them. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So the Paul's obviously talking to Timothy, but he's saying that, okay, we're gonna serve the Lord and we're gonna go through things and we're gonna suffer persecution. And he's saying it is gonna happen. It's just it's bound to happen, someone's gonna do it. And so he's saying just briefly, prayed for it cuz it's gonna happen. And then it says in verse 13, but evil men, insidious or showax, worse and worse. So it's, it's not gonna get any better from here. You know it's, it's going downhill from here. And and then the verse 14 but continue that on the things which the house learned and the things that the house Been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them. I think it's, that's a great verse, because it doesn't matter what we're going through, it doesn't matter, you know, what people can do to us because God is on our side and, yes, we may eventually get killed for it, but so be it, you know.

Speaker 2:

Paul, worse, they can flip beans right.

Speaker 1:

Paul and Philippians says Whether I live or die, I, I'm here to serve Christ, you know, and that's what we're here for. We're here to serve Christ. And Then it says continue, thou, and think. Which house learn has been assured of knowing of whom the house learned them.

Speaker 1:

That's also an important part is knowing who you have been taught by and knowing that they themselves are correct, and I think that's an important part because you can get caught up in the weeds with. You know who who teaches you, and it's it's important to learn from someone that knows what they're talking about, rather than just listening to Sam, some random Joe that's on TV because he's famous. It's like okay, why is he famous? You know, do do a little search on the dude, do some research and find out if he's actually saying what is true. And but anyways, paul is talking to Titus like hey, just continue in the faith, continue in doing what you're gonna do. And you know I've taught you well, and the Lord's on our side and we have the Bible, so let them come, you know and ultimately I mean, and that's all to say that we are gonna be different.

Speaker 2:

There will be persecution and that's okay, you know, that's that's wait. I mean, there's so many times where it says he, you know, he suffers for the cause of Christ and he's glad to do it and that's what we should be glad to do too. And Then the next thing, well, what I have written down here is that, essentially, is that it doesn't matter what people think of you, it's who you are in Christ. That's really matters, which we've always already said. I'm just gonna hop over to Galatians 2 20 real quick.

Speaker 2:

Let's see Galatians 2 20 says I'm Curcified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ live within me and the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith, this son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I Love this verse. I just memorized it the other day. I just love how it's it's.

Speaker 2:

Christ lives in us and it's who we are in Christ it's. It's not our life, it's the life that we now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the son of God. Our whole purpose and our everything that we do should be Living the Christian life, the way it's supposed to be lived, and letting Christ work through us. It's who we are in Christ that truly matters. It doesn't matter what Joe Schmo thinks, it doesn't matter what your brother thinks, it doesn't matter what all your friends at school Think, it doesn't matter what the TV thinks. It doesn't who cares, it's who you are in Christ. We are crucified with Christ and we are supposed to live the life he would have us live every single day. And I think, ultimately, that's what the problem of comparison boils down to is that it's who we are in Christ. We are crucified with him. Life we now live in the flesh she's by the faith of the son of God, who now lives in us.

Speaker 1:

His Holy Spirit lives in us and we're surrounded by him and we should act like we are here, and then in Romans, chapter 8, verse 9 and 10, it says but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit. If so, be that the spirit of God dwell in you now. If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if, christ being you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. So we, when we are saved, we then become children of God, and and our the Holy Spirit comes in and dwells in us, and so we are no longer dead Spiritually, we are awakened in Christ, and God has come and he, he lives in us, he dwells in us, and we are the temple of God. And so you know we are not in the flesh but in the spirit. If so, be that the spirit of God dwell in you now. If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he's none of his. So if you're not, if you don't have the spirit of Christ in you, then you're not saved, you're not, you're not God's children or God's child. And If Christ being you, the body is dead because of sin. So what he's saying is, the body is dead to sin, or it should be dead to sin, because Christ is now Indwelling in your, in your, in your body. Your body is Christ. It's no longer yours, it's no longer the devil's, it is God's body, and we therefore are the temples of God. So we should please and live God. Live for God, you know, as he commands us to. But the spirit is life, because of righteousness, the spirit is the one that gives us the life. You know, I God looks at us and he sees Jesus Christ in our heart. If we're saved, he sees that and we're no longer condemned to help, because he sees oh, jesus is living in that person, and he sees the perfection of Jesus Christ. It's not about you know, the sin that we have. Christ died for that. He took that upon himself when he died on the cross and he covered that sin. He no longer sees your dead body or he doesn't see your sin. He sees the blood of Christ, and so we are no longer of the flesh. We are God's children if we are saved, and so we should be acting like we are God's children. We shouldn't be children of the flesh, we shouldn't be children of the devil or acting like children of the devil, because we're not anymore. If we're saved, we are children of God and he has called us to live for him. And I say this every episode, almost, I feel like, but that's what we're here for.

Speaker 1:

The purpose is to glorify God. It's not about ourselves, and I can't say it enough because it's so true. We are living for ourselves so much and it's stop, just stop. We're not here for that purpose, we're here for God and we're here to win souls for God. And so you know, as Christians, let's come together and do what God has called us to and quit putting ourselves in front of God's desires. And you know, enough is enough.

Speaker 1:

The problems of comparison it is a problem and we can have victory through Christ, and I think that's the moral of the story is quit comparing yourself to others and be joyful for what God has given you, be glad for what God has given you and do your best for God, rather than comparing yourself to others. Get yourself in situations that people have to look at you and say, hey, he's living for God, he's doing what God has told him to do, and people look at you and say, hey, he's different and I want to be like that. And you know it's this revival. Essentially, you have to have it personally before you can affect others, and that's something that we have been discovering, you know, as a group of guys, is you have to serve God personally.

Speaker 1:

You have to have that fire and that passion in you first, before you can talk to anyone else, because if your life's a wreck which I mentioned before earlier in this episode if your life's a mess, what authority do you have?

Speaker 1:

Why should people look at you and listen to you? They shouldn't, because you're just as bad as they are. So we need to give up ourself and our desires and live for God, and he's commanded us to do that. And so let me encourage you guys to just think about it and to pray about it and have revival every day, because the devil's out there and he doesn't want he doesn't want you to have revival. He doesn't want you to live for God. He wants you to be content and happy with where you are right now, and most Christians are content with where they are now, and I believe the Lord is ready and he's wanting to do a work, and I can see that and it's very evident. And so let us please the Lord in serving him and getting ourselves out of the way and letting him do what he does and just work as he does.

Avoiding Comparison in Christian Life
Dangers of Comparison and Status Worship
Priorities and Comparison in Christianity
Identity and Belonging in Christ
Living in Christ Through Persecution
Living for God and Revival