Young America

Cultivating a Life of Passion and Purpose in Christ Pursuit

February 02, 2024 Young America Episode 19
Cultivating a Life of Passion and Purpose in Christ Pursuit
Young America
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Young America
Cultivating a Life of Passion and Purpose in Christ Pursuit
Feb 02, 2024 Episode 19
Young America

Have you ever felt the piercing conviction that your life, though bustling with activity, might be missing its true purpose? This week on Five Minute Friday, we grapple with that gnawing sense of urgency—a call for an authentic, fervent Christian life. I'll take you through my own reflections on the indispensable role of God's grace in personal growth and the strength found in the support of steadfast friends. The complacency that slips into our routines stands challenged, as I urge fellow believers to shake off worldly acceptance and embrace the high calling we've received.

Journey with me as we draw on the Apostle Paul's extraordinary testament of faith in Philippians. His trials and steadfastness form a blueprint for our modern Christian voyage, demonstrating that no hurdle is too high when our eyes are set on spreading the gospel's hope. Our discussion is not just theoretical but deeply practical—how to make Christianity a living, breathing part of who we are every day. Whether you're thirsting for spiritual revival or seeking affirmation of your divine mission, this episode aims to inspire and strengthen your resolve to live out a faith that is as personal as it is powerful.

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Have you ever felt the piercing conviction that your life, though bustling with activity, might be missing its true purpose? This week on Five Minute Friday, we grapple with that gnawing sense of urgency—a call for an authentic, fervent Christian life. I'll take you through my own reflections on the indispensable role of God's grace in personal growth and the strength found in the support of steadfast friends. The complacency that slips into our routines stands challenged, as I urge fellow believers to shake off worldly acceptance and embrace the high calling we've received.

Journey with me as we draw on the Apostle Paul's extraordinary testament of faith in Philippians. His trials and steadfastness form a blueprint for our modern Christian voyage, demonstrating that no hurdle is too high when our eyes are set on spreading the gospel's hope. Our discussion is not just theoretical but deeply practical—how to make Christianity a living, breathing part of who we are every day. Whether you're thirsting for spiritual revival or seeking affirmation of your divine mission, this episode aims to inspire and strengthen your resolve to live out a faith that is as personal as it is powerful.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back, gang America, to Five Minute Friday. I am super excited to see what God's doing and how he's working. He has already been working in my life, for sure, and definitely in those that you know I'm surrounded by. So I'm thankful for good friends and, you know, for a faithful God and a loving God that's patient and kind, because we don't deserve anything that he gives us. We really don't, but he loves us and that's evident by what he does for us. But you know, god has been working in my life for this. You know December, christmas break from school, through the friends that God has blessed me with and just through personal devotions. And you know the Lord, he's gracious and he's merciful and he keeps giving us chance after chance after chance and he's just hoping that we wake up as Christians and he's hoping that, you know, we get our act together.

Speaker 1:

And that's something that's been a burden to me recently is that we, as Christians, are not living the Christian life as we ought to. We are not being Christ-like at all. We are becoming complacent and we are complacent and we're just accepting the world and we're accepting sin and we're accepting the devil and everything that's ungodly we're accepting into our lives and we're making it a part of our lives and that's not what God called us to. We're here for one purpose and that purpose is to glorify God. And you know, how can we know what the purpose and what how to glorify God if we don't know his will and we don't know what's in his word, which is the Bible? So I'm encourage you to read your Bible and pray and make Christianity real to you, make it personal. And you know I looked through the life of Paul and everything that he did was for a purpose and it was real to him. He believed the Christian life and he lived the Christian life. You look at how many times he got shipped right and how many times he got beaten and put in jail and how many times he died. You know he, he lived it, it was real to him, it was, it was personal and God meant something.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't just this label that I'm a Christian because I go to church on Sunday or I go to church once a week. Once you know that doesn't make you a Christian. And you know we need to do better as a people, as a Christian people, as a called out people. We are failing at our jobs. You look at society and you look at the things that are going around and you ask yourself why is the world going to where it is? Because we, as Christians, have failed, we are not doing our jobs and God has called us apart to be different than the world, and the world needs to see that difference, not just hear the difference. Everyone can talk a big talk, but living it is where it's at and making it personal to you, that's that's what it's all about.

Speaker 1:

And you know I've been reading Philippians and it's a very, very good book. And, um, flipping chapter one, I'm going to read verse 12 all the way down to 18. So it's going to be a little bit, but just bear with me because it's very, very important and it's very good. So here it goes, but I would.

Speaker 1:

You should understand, brethren, that the things which happened under me have fallen out rather than to the furtherance of the gospel that, by my bonds in Christ, are manifest in all the palace and all other places. And many of them, brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Some, indeed, preach Christ, even of envy and strife, and some also of goodwill. The one preach. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds, but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel. What, then? Notwithstanding every way, whether in pretense or in truth, christ is preached and they're in due rejoice, yay, and will rejoice.

Speaker 1:

So Paul is saying that his purpose is to preach the gospel and to get the gospel out there. You know, verse 12 simply says for the fragrance of the gospel. But you know, paul had this opportunity to be in front of kings and queens and people that had authority, and not every Christian had that opportunity, but Paul did. And that was the purpose, for Paul's imprisonment was to get the gospel out. And he saw that and he knew that. It's like it doesn't matter what's happening to me and my life and what other people are trying to do to me, as long as the gospel gets out and as long as we live the Christian life, that's what it's all about. So let me encourage you, as Christians, to live the Christian life and to be holy and be separate from the world and let the world see a difference in your life and just glorify God.