Young America

Igniting a Spiritual Revival: Embracing Authentic Faith and Godly Living in Young America

February 01, 2024 Young America Episode 18
Igniting a Spiritual Revival: Embracing Authentic Faith and Godly Living in Young America
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Igniting a Spiritual Revival: Embracing Authentic Faith and Godly Living in Young America
Feb 01, 2024 Episode 18
Young America

When a recent prayer meeting ignited a revival in my heart, I knew it was time to share my journey toward a more authentic Christian life. This episode is a heartfelt confession from me to you, exploring how the profound conversations with spiritual friends like Jacob and Jason have propelled me towards truly living out my faith. We're not just talking about wearing a Christian label; we're talking about a life overflowing with conviction, commitment, and the transformative power of spiritual friendships.

Through the guidance of the Apostle Paul's teachings in the book of Philippians, we confront the challenges faced by young men in today's society—challenges of aligning actions with the spiritual values we proclaim. This conversation is an urgent call for all of us to live faith-driven lives, to find strength in like-minded fellowship, and to walk the path that prioritizes God's will above all else. The heart of our discussion revolves around the power of prayer, the significance of community, and the necessity of supporting each other in our individual and collective journeys toward glorifying God in every aspect of our lives.

Wrapping up the episode, we touch on the moral responsibility of personal faith, the intersection of self-improvement with societal ethics, and the pressing need to move from self-centeredness to serving the greater good. It's a message that resonates deeply with anyone striving to maintain a vigilant and genuine Christian walk. Join us as we explore the steps towards sparking a revival, not only within our hearts but across the fabric of Young America, steering towards a future anchored in unwavering spirituality and ethical standards.




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When a recent prayer meeting ignited a revival in my heart, I knew it was time to share my journey toward a more authentic Christian life. This episode is a heartfelt confession from me to you, exploring how the profound conversations with spiritual friends like Jacob and Jason have propelled me towards truly living out my faith. We're not just talking about wearing a Christian label; we're talking about a life overflowing with conviction, commitment, and the transformative power of spiritual friendships.

Through the guidance of the Apostle Paul's teachings in the book of Philippians, we confront the challenges faced by young men in today's society—challenges of aligning actions with the spiritual values we proclaim. This conversation is an urgent call for all of us to live faith-driven lives, to find strength in like-minded fellowship, and to walk the path that prioritizes God's will above all else. The heart of our discussion revolves around the power of prayer, the significance of community, and the necessity of supporting each other in our individual and collective journeys toward glorifying God in every aspect of our lives.

Wrapping up the episode, we touch on the moral responsibility of personal faith, the intersection of self-improvement with societal ethics, and the pressing need to move from self-centeredness to serving the greater good. It's a message that resonates deeply with anyone striving to maintain a vigilant and genuine Christian walk. Join us as we explore the steps towards sparking a revival, not only within our hearts but across the fabric of Young America, steering towards a future anchored in unwavering spirituality and ethical standards.




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Speaker 2:

We're supposed to be the city upon the hill for the whole world to see and yet we're not, and it's because of us, because us Christians have lost our sense of respect for God. So the last episode sparked a lot of things for me personally, but it's also been the culmination of just God working in my life and just having spiritual friends around you. Honestly, that's what it brought everything about. But let me, I guess, tell you what happened. So the last episode we did was on the distractions of society and we have many of them but then ventured down into basically being a lay boss of Christian and not actually believing in Christianity, in a sense.

Speaker 2:

And so it's just something that's convicted me very much so Because, at the end of the day, honestly, I'm preaching to myself as well as all those that are listening and it really did convict me, and so I'm striving to be better and serve God to the best of my ability, because he deserves it. And so college just started back up about a week or two ago, a week and a half ago and I have the opportunity to be the prayer leader, which, I guess to explain, I basically lead the guys in prayer. That's what it's meant for is specifically prayer. That's why it's called prayer time, but you can give a devotional or whatever, and so the Lord died on my heart to give a devotional, and it really wasn't planning to go through all the stuff that I went through, but it's just so happened that we did. And so, basically, we had a mini revival.

Speaker 2:

It was me and four other guys just in the cabin having good spiritual conversation, and I basically laid it out for them and I essentially said the same thing I said on the podcast Just, we need to do better as Christians.

Speaker 2:

I'm done with being a label, I'm done with serving myself and serving what I want, and it's about giving God the glory and doing what he wants for a change and living the Christian life and making it real to me, making it personal to yourself, and each one of the guys were convicted as well, and we're taking steps to be better men, to serve God and be better Christians, because, at the end of the day, that's what we're here for. We're here for one purpose and that's to glorify God, and I'm done with pleasing myself and putting my desires in front of God, because that's not what we're here for, and so that's what we're, I guess, going to go off of for this episode. So it's been an exciting week, but here's also another thing During my winter break from school, me and Jacob and then another guy that we are buddies with we're also recording another thing with him as well, which we'll mention that later.

Speaker 2:

But we've been having a Bible study once a week and we've been calling each other pretty regularly and just having spiritual minded conversations, and you can see that God is working in all of us and that God wants to do something. And just that last episode, though, it just put all the pieces together for me anyways, and God just slapped me over the head and he's like what are you doing? And so I'm thankful for that opportunity and I'm thankful, you know I was. I called Jacob the other day and I was basically just telling him all the stuff that happened.

Speaker 2:

And I'm thankful for spiritual friends. I'm thankful for friends that care about you, because you know they may not even realize what they're doing, but they're being encouragement and they are trying to get the best out of you, and that's what friends are for. And so I've just enjoyed the friendship that me and Jacob have and Jason the other guy. It's just a good, strong spiritual relationship and we can pray and we can have fellowship with God together, and it's something that we need as Christians, especially as young men, you know that's. Another thing that I mentioned to the guys is we are spiritual young men, or well, we're young men, that should be spiritual rather.

Speaker 2:

And we are not acting as we should. And so just God convicted me. It's like you need to do better and you need to get others around you to do better, and so that's what we're doing. And I do see people taking initiative and I do see you know small steps of faith, and it's encouraging to see that God still loves us and he still has the patience for us, and I just it amazes me. Every time I think about it it's like I definitely don't deserve it. But praise God, he gives it and it's just that's the God we serve. He doesn't give up on you and he always will give you a chance if you are willing to seek him out and willing to obey him and trust him. That's all he asks is for you to just simply rely on him. And you know, I've been reading for my devotions, I've been reading Philippians and, oh my goodness, it is full of just good, good information. And when you take Christianity real and you make it personal for you, your perspective changes on everything.

Speaker 2:

Because you then realize that we're here to please God, we're here to serve God, and whatever I want and whatever you know I desire to have doesn't matter, and God puts that on your heart and he gives you a burden for that. And when we realize that that's what we're here for, we then change our perspective and we change our behaviors and we change all the things that we were doing. And I'm just reading Philippians and what Paul has to say it's he actually believed the Christian life. It was real to him, no-transcript. He wasn't this fake Christian, that was just a label. He believed it. He died like how many times he got shipped right.

Speaker 1:

How many times literally got beaten and imprisoned.

Speaker 2:

How many times? Yeah, and you read every. Every time he, you know, writes to a church, he always read about how he was faithful to serve God and basically he says I don't care what happens to me, as long as the gospel gets out, as long as the knowledge of God gets out, as long as, yeah, fellow believers grow and Everything about God just gets promoted, it doesn't matter what happens to us. And that's something I've I've found as an encouragement to me is because he actually believed it and it was real to him and we need to make it real to us as Christians and we need to wake up and we need to Put God first, because that's where he belongs. Mm-hmm, and you know, enough with being a label, enough with being a fake carnal Christian that does whatever, whatever we want. And you know that's the problem with Christians today we are so focused about oh, what can I do? What can I get noticed for? What can yeah?

Speaker 1:

you know it's everyone. Look at me You're trying to go Downstream with everybody else, but really the Christian life is going upstream and not everyone's gonna join you.

Speaker 2:

But that should right right, and so it just it's so important to have spiritually minded people around you. Here's another thing I mentioned to the guys is when our mind is stayed upon God and our mind is focused on what he wants and his desires. His desires then become our desires, and that's when my mind started to happen Right to and then our mind though, yeah, okay, well then. Our mind, then, is constantly being what's the word?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's it, you're not dwelling on it, you're you, I Know. I would say I think what you're trying to say is that your mind, you have the mind of Christ in a sense. You you dwell on the things that you're supposed to dwell on. You're thinking about things that you're supposed to think about. Your Everything comes back to God and not you anymore.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's part of the whole thing I think is sort of almost the theme of this is Like with where you've been going is it's not about you, it's about God, and I was reading in school today. You know that one of the problems that we've had in culture and politics generally is that we took it didn't start and end with God. Now it starts and ends with man, and Even Christians do the same thing. I mean, we can see it in our lives and the other guys that we know. Obviously it's like it starts and ends with ourselves, but it doesn't matter about us. It matters about what God wants and what he wants us to do in honor and glorifying him and Mm-hmm, instead of just going to church and sitting in the service and be like, oh, that was nice.

Speaker 1:

And say all these words that sound really good and then going back to the dorm or home or whatever and doing whatever on earth we want. That's not right. The point is which you may get into this later, but I'm just gonna bring it up now is go ahead. One of the things you told, I think, from what I understand, you told you, you and your guys your phrase is actions, not words.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you're done, just saying it. You're done with the label, like you were talking about. This isn't Campbell's soup. This is real life. It's a lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean, and so we're turning. You're forgetting the words and starting acting on what God's word actually says. Mm-hmm, which is exciting and it's convicting me too. It's like man that I gotta get on that train.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I mean it's just. Look, god has given me that burden and I'm gonna tell as many stinking people as I can, because God needs to be promoted. God needs, he needs to be number one and we need to stop putting ourselves in front of him because nothing is getting done. As Christians, you look at the society, look at the world and the things that are going on and you, you ask yourself why is this happening? And it's because of us.

Speaker 2:

Because us Christians have lost our sense of respect for God and we've lost the things that are real to God and we've we've become accepting and compliant to the world and we don't care about God anymore. It's just oh, I'm gonna do what I want to do and I'm gonna Dress like the world, I'm gonna act like the world, I'm gonna talk like the world. And no, none of that should matter, none of it. It is all for the glory of God, not for the glory of yourself. Get over yourself. You are worth nothing. You are only worth what God has has priced you at, and he came and he died for us.

Speaker 2:

So we need to give him the respect that he deserves and just the things that we try to do and we try to live right, those things won't even compare to what he's already done for us, but yet the Lord keeps blessing us and he keeps giving us things that we don't deserve. And it's like, oh my goodness, the Lord loves us and he cares for us. And if you read the Bible you actually see that and it's like and that's what the Lord wants. He wants a fellowship, he wants a relationship with you. He says pray and ask and you will receive. He wants that fellowship and he wants to work in your life and he wants you, and even Jeremiah 33.

Speaker 1:

3, you know, call on to me and I shall answer thee and show the great minds Exactly. No, it's not. You know, it's no wonder you don't get anywhere because you're not asking him. Like, I pray that verse every day, it's like even just in the daily. You know, today has not been a wonderful day, but the Lord has worked. You know what I mean For sure. It doesn't mean God wasn't in it. That doesn't mean God hasn't done great and mighty things that I don't even know because obviously I don't even know them. You know what I mean. Right, and the Lord is always working and he wants to do those things for you. If you ask him I know he can't do his ask it's like, yeah, where did the prayer go? I mean, that's how you start revivals and everyone's like, oh, everything's going down in the hole, in the gutter, you know, and it's like, well, maybe if you prayed about it, we could fix it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly and that's another point I want to bring up is people are like oh man, you look at the world, just like you were saying. You look at the world, it's going to pot.

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll just you know, pray that God comes quick right.

Speaker 2:

And it's no, get out there and do your job and call Christians out. That's what that we're supposed to edify one another, we're supposed to bring each other up. I was reading in Philippians it's I'm going to paraphrase it because I don't remember exactly what it says, but it's basically don't look on yourself, look on every man's. You know other work or whatever. It's something like that. You get the idea. Oh, there, it is Chapter 2 and verse 4.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, look, not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. In other words, quit tearing about yourself and care about other things. It doesn't matter about you.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean with that, though it's yes, you're looking at yourself and you're examining yourself and you're trying to get better, but you're also looking at your fellow believer, your fellow Christian, and you're helping each other out. You're both looking at each other like, hey, how can we get better? How can we do or serve God the best to our ability? How can we do that? And you're edifying one another and, yeah, you build each other, that's so important in the Christian life.

Speaker 2:

You need one another. It's not a one man show, and that's something that's become a reality.

Speaker 1:

It's a very modern day. American thing is the whole alpha male or girl boss.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can see it. Literally everything. It's all, oh it all, depends on you. Well, thankfully it doesn't, because I don't know about you guys, but I know about me and I fail all the time and I can't do it. Yeah, you know, I like even both. You know, like I talked to Jason before I talked to you, our other buddy, and you both have been an encouragement to me already tonight. You know, it's like these are the people that we need Like. Where are they?

Speaker 2:

I know there's more people like us.

Speaker 1:

This is the way it's supposed to be. Right Is building each other up and doing what's right and working together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's an encouragement, though, to see the people around you trying to make a change and they're trying to live for God, and it's like praise God, amen, let's do it some more. Yeah, how can you know, how can we get others involved and how can we get the fire started and keep burning and burn forever? You know it's we just take small steps of faith and just praying and asking God for his wisdom and his help, because we can't do it by ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so yeah, that's one thing, the Lord's been teaching me is dependence and depending on him. Because you know me, joe, I'm always like, oh, I can do it. No, I'm so good, yeah, I'm so cool, which isn't good, and it's I. Every day, I'm like Jacob, you are such an idiot.

Speaker 1:

It's not about what you can do and what about? You know, because you can already tell, because you have this problem that it's not what you know, it's what the Lord does through you, and whether it's perfect and pristine or not, it doesn't matter if you're honoring the Lord with it. No, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do a good job. You should always strive for excellence, but the Lord, if you're doing what the Lord wants, he's going to use it, no matter what. And it's not about you and your power and your strength.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think about that verse that says for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind. It's not us, because naturally we have a spirit of fear, we're too afraid to do what we need to do, but God has given us his Holy Spirit in us and dwelling in us, and he gives us. He's the one who gives the power and the love and the sound mind to use our brains to do what's right, and so that's one thing I've been thinking a lot about, like one of my five minute Fridays. The first one was a private street, five and six, you know, lean not on your own understanding, and I tell myself that every day it's like, jacob, what are you doing? Use your brain. You don't know, so ask the one who does, the Lord knows everything for.

Speaker 1:

Pete's sake. And then another thing too. This can be my version of the rant, but you know, because I was thinking about you guys' motto is actions, not words. And then for me, sort of my thing for this year has been I picked three words it's wisdom, courage and patience, because I'm doing a lot of things this year that I've never done before, you know, and I have no idea, and I need God's wisdom. I need God's wisdom anyway, but it just becomes more and more evident, I think, the older you get about how much wisdom you need.

Speaker 1:

And then I need the courage to act on the wisdom that he gives me. Now I know what to do. Now I have to have the guts to go do it. You know, he's the one who gives the courage, he's the one who can help me to keep going even when I'm discouraged. He's the one who gives the strength. And then patience is I. This may be just like a me thing, but I'm always like. I want it. Now. I want to know everything now. I want to do everything now. I want to be perfect now. I want to know how, what's going to happen in five years. But that's not how life works. And sometimes it's hard when you know you're putting in the work but you're not seeing the results yet. And that's where patience comes in. And the only way that I can have that patience is dependence on the Lord. So ultimately, all three of those things comes back to dependence.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's also contiant with actions, not words, is we can't do the actions of ourselves. It's not about what we can do, it's what the Lord can do through us.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, so it's just been cool to see how those things have combined together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And Philippians one again. In verse six it says, being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. And it's like, dude, the Lord wants to do a work in you and he's going to, if you allow him to do it. And it's like if we just obey him and follow him and just put him first, everything in life will then go into place and the place after that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right, it'll just work out, god. God has a purpose for us, even though we may not understand it at first. We may not, you know, realize it, but God does have a purpose for us and he has a work for us. And when we follow him and when we are, you know, personally convicted and we have revival, and when we're doing what we're supposed to and we are where we're supposed to be, he then will show you what his will is and how we can execute it and how he provides every step of the way. We just have to trust him and we have to make sure we're doing right.

Speaker 1:

And you know I preach the Son on this you have to take the step of faith, too, right, because you know the truth is I mean you and I know this it's like we don't know how things are going to end up, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, you know that's where courage comes in. Is it being able to step into the unknown and leave the results to God? And that's something important too that we need to remember. You know, just to think about you and I and the other guys and people who are listening, it's like it's not. You have to do what's right first and then finally, hence relations sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that it's been convicting because you know I was that label of a Christian.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was, you know not that it didn't matter, but yeah, it's just, I was comfortable with where I was at and there was no stirring and there was no. I need to do better, in a sense. And you know, I thought I was pretty good, basically yeah. And then God smack me over the head and he's like you think you're good, what are you talking about? And you know, the list can go on. But yeah, it's like dude, when we realize that Christianity is real and it's a lifestyle rather than a label, it just changes your whole perspective and your whole attitude and you look at life through a lens.

Speaker 2:

That's like I have a purpose in this world. God put me here for a purpose and I need to get my act together and I needed to live how God would want me to live, because if I'm not, he can't use me. Yeah, he's perfect. He needs people that are willing and obedient, and if I'm here living in sin, how can I be the good Christian that I'm supposed to be and how am I supposed to show the world that I am a Christian? And that's what the world is seeing today. They're seeing this fake Christianity. They're seeing this label that's they call Christianity Get that nonsense out of here.

Speaker 1:

No one wants that.

Speaker 2:

No, they know, they see, they can see right through it. And here's another thing you look at all these mega churches that have five, six people upstage and they're leading some song.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's like the world can see right through that. You're trying to be like the world, and God said be separate, be come out from among them, be separate. Don't try to act like the world. To win the world, you have to be different. They have to see a difference and it's like what's the difference between going to a Christian rock concert that's on Sunday? It's like, yeah, for real, why it's? Yeah, it's pathetic. We're trying to, we're trying to appease the world rather than appease God. And when we appease God and we do his will, he then will give us the fruits and he will then show us how, how to get the word out, how to get the gospel out, and we just have to obey God and trust him.

Speaker 1:

Because he'll then show us the way. And I think to. I mean, this is kind of, yeah, but I'm thinking about churches and their music, a couple things, and I think that's all. That reminds me of my aunt just met a lady who was not saved for a while, but even before she was saved she knew that that kind of music in a church wasn't honoring to the Lord. You know what I mean. Like she didn't right, she knew automatically. Like that was not what was supposed to be happening. So yeah, in the, in the attempt to appease man, we kind of shot ourselves in the foot, I guess. But then that's another thing. Going off of that is you know how?

Speaker 1:

We said earlier that we, instead of putting God as the beginning in the end, we put man as the beginning of the end. Well, I think that's what a lot of churches and even people just in general have done. They put man at the beginning in the end in their churches and their sermons. Man is at the beginning. That's why we have such squishy sermons and just about love you just gotta love everybody and that sort of thing. It's too squishy. It's because we put man first and your reputation first and our music.

Speaker 1:

We put that to appease man, and it's not about what man wants, it's about what God wants. It doesn't matter what you. And it's not about life, isn't about feelings, I mean, and I need to get over this and get on this train sometimes because, like holy cow, jacob, you are having that too. But it doesn't matter what you feel like, it matters what's true and right. God doesn't want you to always be a depressed, mad, ticked off. He wants you to give, he wants to give you the peace and the joy that he promises in his word, right? Anyways, that's a little bit of a tangent, but it's true. It's like that. That's what he wants to give you, and he's waiting for you to call on him and ask for him and he'll give it to you, right? But of course, he can't give it to you until you get your right flight and you confess your sin and you get rid of the sin and you start doing what you're supposed to.

Speaker 1:

That's when those things like that joy and that peace come in, and that's when you start seeing souls saved, and that's when you start seeing other Christians revived, and that's how you see things turn around, is when you start to do right. Revival is a personal thing. It has to be every single day you have to have first have to focus on yourself you first.

Speaker 2:

You first have to see what's wrong with you and you know. Just like I mentioned in the last episode, get a piece of paper out, write down. Just Get somewhere private, somewhere, just you and God. And get a piece of paper, just write and pray and that's God, it's like what is wrong with me and show me my sin and write him down, keep writing him down. Write him down until you can't and then, after you're done, keep on praying and confess those sins and get him right and get your life together. And then make practical steps and reading your Bible daily and getting getting something from it and praying to God consistently and asking for specific things and Just being practical with it. Just ask God. That's what he tells us, doing his word. Just ask him, you shall receive. And we need see.

Speaker 2:

Here's something that I think hurts us as Christians. We look at God and we see him as this mysterious being which he is. Yes, I totally agree with that, but he's also our father. He's also the one that came and died for our sins. There needs to be a relationship, there needs to be a fellowship, and he desires that fellowship in a relationship right and when we give it to him, he then blesses us and, like we've been saying this whole episode, everything will then fall into place as it should, because God cares for you and he loves you and he doesn't want to see you suffer like the world. So, yeah, we need to put God first and and it just becomes so evident to me in my life and we have him doing it as Christians, we need to get our act together and Look, god is not done with us right, god is not done with us at all.

Speaker 2:

There is still a chance to save Every single soul on this planet. There's still a chance to revive every single soul. Well, everyone that's saved anyways, because you can't have revival if you're not saved. But that's another point for another subject. Yeah, but we need to come together as Christian. That's also another thing that I've been reading in Philippians is the unity, because Paul says that we need to come as one in one flesh, in one mind, and come together and have that fellowship. We're so Divided as a people and we're so divided as Christians and, yeah, that's not the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to have one purpose and one goal and that's to glorify God, not discuss about what color the stinking carpet is gonna be. Who cares, mm-hmm, it's God that needs to be glorified, it's not the church, it's not anything else that we can do, it's God. And when we get that through our stinking heads, we'll then glorify God and then we can figure out what's what color it's supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, there needs to be unity before you make any other choice, right?

Speaker 1:

You have to have your priority straight. That's putting my you know. Think about a color of copper, it again. That's putting man in God's place.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know it's not starting and ending with guys. Starting and ending with man Comes back to that a lot. You know, I like this whole conversation because I am we're gonna continue this next episode, but we only have so much time on our bus. Proud subscription, but um is, I think one thing where we could go with it anyway we don't have to end here necessarily but is if my people, which are called by my name, shall hummer themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land. You know and ultimately We've said this before too that's one of the main goals of our podcast is to see that happen in America.

Speaker 1:

Well, the only way it's gonna happen in America is if you, who was one of God's people, humble yourself and praise. That's one thing that the Lord's been dealing with me is pride, is I'm a very prideful person and stuck up, and it's like Jacob, what Like? What do you like? What do I have to be proud about? I'm just me, like I can do nothing of myself. I Don't deserve anything. All the opportunities I've ever had have been dropped into my lap. I did nothing to earn them. You know what I mean. It's always God working, and so we need to reorient our focus from ourselves and man to God and humble ourselves. Now we need to pray like we're supposed to and seek his will, and then have the courage to act on it and turn from our Wicked ways, like you've been saying. That's I think that's a key step that a lot of Christians are scared to take is, you know, take that piece of paper and write down the stuff that needs to be written down and get it well dealt with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think, when we have a lot inside, deep down inside, they know, they know what's wrong. They just don't want to confess.

Speaker 1:

They don't want to get rid of it yet.

Speaker 2:

They want to hang on to it and they want to a A piece of flesh just for a little bit longer, just for, you know, a little bit longer, and then I'll get rid of it. And it's no, the time is now. Act now, get rid of it now. Time is running. Now we don't have much time, we really don't.

Speaker 1:

I Mean it be over tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

To be honest, right, god says we have 70 years in our life and that's not even guaranteed. And look, most of us are at least 20, so we only have 50 years left. Yeah, yeah, that's 50, 60 years give or take. We don't have that much thinking time. We need to get our act together as Christians. When you come and unify together and show the world that we are different and that God is real and that he's real us as well. It's not just this. Oh, I, I call myself a Christian and this is. We go to church every, every Sunday, and that's the extent of my body.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's no longer what your grandpa did or what your father did. It's what you do as a Christian, as a young man, as a young woman. However old you are, it does not matter. It's what you do. It needs to be personal to you, and that's something that's become very evident to me. It's, it has to be personal. It doesn't matter if you were raised in Christian home, and I think in some ways, being raised in a Christian home is is. I Want to be careful, but in some ways it's hurtful because You're so used to it, you're so right. It's checking the box, it's almost the second nature.

Speaker 1:

What we do and I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Right, whatever, but it doesn't mean anything, right, and I'm not saying that's bad, but right it kind of is. It can't be to be personal, though right it needs, you need to make it personal. You need to make that decision for yourself. It's no longer what my parents did yeah, and you know. So anyways, yeah, that's what I got.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's good. Well, I was thinking too, man, you know what random fact. You know how you're studying in school and you wonder how this is ever going to apply to life. Well, I was wondering that today, and now it's all coming together because I've been reading I'm taking a like a constitutional government free enterprise class for school this semester and we've been talking about the Christian worldview and then comparing it to.

Speaker 1:

Well, at this point we're in communism and Marxism and like that era. But and watching it progress from Christianity and the Reformation to Christian rationalism, where we starting to pen more on ourselves to just pure rationalism. To now God is in everything. To now there is no God and it's with man and that's. And what happened was it wasn't because the Christians disappeared, it's because the Christians decided to separate their secular and their sacred.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that is one of the biggest problems, even just on a personal level, but on a large scale too, is that we separate. Oh, I can listen to what I want, I can watch what I want, I can do what I want, I can say what I want, I can vote for who I want, but then I'm going to go to church on Sunday. That's not Christianity. That's hypocrisy, and what it is. What true biblical Christianity is is when what you say, you believe is applied to what you listen to, what you watch, who you vote for. Every single area aspect of your life is is that's what we've lost. That's how we've gotten the philosophies and the problems that we have today with with, like sexual revolution or communism or CRT you name it. It's because we've taken as Christians. It's on. Christians is because we've separated our secular and our sacred and we've decided to let people do what we want to do, they want to do, and that's why it's because we quit doing living the Christian life the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

And that's another thing too. Right, just while we're on, it is intentionality, everything. And you know I fail. I mean I failed even in this today. I think we probably all have. But being intentional with what you do, do you really need to look at Facebook right now? Do you really need to listen to that right now? Is that really helping you? Now? Does that mean that everything is bad, like you should just never do it? I mean, I don't think necessarily. I mean it depends on what it is Granted, but you need to do it with a purpose.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing it to numb your mind, that's what the devil wants. And that's what the devil has succeeded in doing is taking our mind off of God and what he wants and what's going to help us and instead just numbing our minds. If he can make you numb, then he can do whatever he went to you. You can roll you up in a ball and throw you in the creek or something you know. That's when he's got the like it says in the Psalms a lot and normally, because it's David, he's actually legitimately talking about his enemies literally have the job, the bow drawn back. But the devil has the bow drawn back and he's waiting to release the dart. And as soon as you put the shield down and drop the sword and you quit, depending on the Lord, that's when he lets it go because you're wide open. So be intentional with what you do and live the Christian life the way it's supposed to be lived. That was my rant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and yeah, that's something I also mentioned is after we had we went on for at least 30, 40 minutes it was. It was a good good, you know, little pow, wow, if you want to call it that, but, but I think it was the next night. I remember mentioning to be careful, because the devil knows, he knows our weaknesses and he knows what's happening. He's watching and he's waiting for one of us to slip up and to fall. And he's, he's just waiting for the perfect time, because you know, it always happens. Always you get the spiritual victory and you're up on a high and you put your guard down and the devil's like I got you and he, he slaps you right over the head and you start back from square one. And so I told the guys I'm like, be careful, the devil's watching you and he knows what's going on. So you know, just like what the Bible says be be vigilant, because the adversary of the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom you may devour. He's out there, he's waiting for us to fall, and when we this is where I was going with it when we keep our mind focused on spiritual matters and we focus on what God wants us to, we don't have time, our mind doesn't have time to wonder, and our our mind doesn't have time to think about what our, our flesh wants, because we're focused on what God wants rather than ourselves and what the devil wants, and so that's why we need to keep good friends close by. So I want to keep the Bible and prayer and God close by, because those are the things that are going to fight off the devil, and we need to be intentional with everything that we do, because the devil knows, and you know, we just need to be aware.

Speaker 2:

But I think we said enough. I think so. Let's see. But, um, here's some information for those few that are listening. We have just recently dropped on YouTube, um, the shadow band show. Um, that's something that me, jacob and Jason have been working on for the? Uh, a long time, uh, uh. So thankfully, we have episode number one out, um, so you can go check it out. It is an hour and 40 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Shadow band social is. I think it's what it's set up as. So if you go shirt shadow band social, that should bring it. Bring it to it. It is yeah, it is long form, but it's solid stuff. That's very good.

Speaker 2:

I'm totally looking forward to the next episode, because they are also very solid. Um, they keep getting better as we go. So, you know, if you want to listen to that, why you clean or whatever you, you know, want to do, go listen to it and, uh, support us, because this information needs to be heard. It needs to be heard by Christians, and we need to do better as Christians, whether that's, you know, spreading the gospel, getting our lives together, whatever it is. We need to serve God and put him first, and this is what this is all about. And so I just want to encourage you guys to serve God and get your life together and maybe you do have your life together, but keep serving God good for you, you know and encourage others to get their life right, and we just need to come together as as a community and as Christians and encourage one another.

Speaker 1:

And so hopefully we've done that. Well, we need to start the fire, you know, and and keep the fire burning and right. And you know it's like it's cool for me, cause I kind of have to watch this whole thing from a distance, which kind of isn't great sometimes, cause I want to be there and involve, you know. But you know it's cool to watch other people that I know and people that I've been praying for and see the fire light up and see the sparks begin. And we don't just want sparks, we want it to start a blazing and then never go out, kind of like the temple fire.

Speaker 1:

It was. A priest's job is to make sure it never went out, and we need to make sure that light in us never goes out and to make sure that we can start the light in others. We're supposed to be the city upon the hill for the whole world to see, and yet we're not, and so it's time to change. It's time to do what's right. It's trying to confess your sins. Time to fix your standards. It's time to change the way you think about life, cause it's not about you, it's about what the word likes. Thank you for listening to Young America. If you enjoyed the show, please consider sharing it with a friend, and if you want to see more content from us, please check the links in the description below and consider supporting the show. God bless America.

Rediscovering Faith and Spiritual Friendship
True Faith and Spiritual Mindedness
Actions, Not Words
Reviving Christianity
Personal Commitment in Christianity
Changing America's Standards