Young America

Embracing Spiritual Fulfillment: The Path of Blessed Resilience in Faith

January 26, 2024 Young America Episode 17

Discover the profound joy and purpose that comes with living a life in harmony with spiritual wisdom as I, Jacob Litke, guide you through a cherished Psalm that has touched my life deeply. This episode is not just a theological tour but a personal journey into the characteristics of individuals blessed with true fulfillment. They are not swayed by the ungodly, nor do they falter among sinners. Instead, they are likened to a steadfast tree, drawing life from rivers of divine nourishment, and I'm here to share how that can be you.

Together, we'll uncover the virtues of spiritual fruitfulness—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, and beyond. It's a conversation that promises to elevate your understanding of what it means to be truly blessed, far beyond material wealth. We'll contrast the enduring strength of a life built on faith against the aimless drift of those who lack spiritual anchorage. If your heart seeks a path lit by faith and righteousness, this enlightening discussion is your beacon toward a more resilient spiritual journey. Join me for this soul-stirring message of hope and guidance.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, everybody, and happy Friday. This is your five-minute Friday coming from Jacob Blitke, and today I wanted to talk to you about someone and living in blessed life. And it says let his. Blessed is the man that walk is not in the council of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit at the sea the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law Does he meditate day and night, and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind Drive the way. Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgments or sinners in the congregation of the righteous. But the Lord knoweth the way the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Speaker 1:

This is one of my favorite passages and favorite Psalms, because it's so clear the comparison here between the person who is following the Lord and the sinner. And we see in the first verse that the blessed man, the person who is following the Lord, doesn't walk with the Walk, not the council. The ungodly doesn't stand with the sinners and doesn't sit with the scornful. In other words, he avoids the people who are gonna tear him down, encourage him to do wrong the sinners, the ungodly, the ones who don't follow God, the scornful, the ones who are always tearing other people down. So we see. So we see what he's not supposed to do, the blessed man. But then, verse 2, we start to see what he is supposed to do and says but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he meditate day and night. So instead of walking and standing and sitting with all the sitters, instead he hangs out with and studies the law of the Lord or the Bible. And he, that's his meditation, day and night. That's what he's always thinking about, he's always driving to improve in that way, and those are the kind of people as well. May it be mentioned that he hangs out with those, the people who do the same thing. That's where his delight is. And then we see, because that's where his delight is and because he doesn't hang out with the sinners, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, in other words, he's gonna have deep roots and he shall not be moved, and then he's gonna bring forth fruit in his season. You know. I mean we could talk about the fruits of the spirit there love, joy, peace, long suffering, etc. And and how. That's what we'll see. And we'll see him bringing forth fruit and we'll see that his leaf also shone, that weather and what's. Whoever he do, this shall prosper. You see, when you're following the Lord and you're meditating on the scriptures and growing in him and bearing fruit, he is going to bless you for that. Now, you may not be the richest person in the world, but the Lord takes care of those and he grows us and that's what he wants to do for us. And so we see in this verse that because the blessed man does what is right and follows the Lord, that the Lord will bless him for it. And if that person, if you're following the Lord the way you're in living Christian life, the way you're supposed to, he's gonna bless you because you're gonna be doing his will.

Speaker 1:

Now we see in verse 4, in comparison to the blessed man, we see what the blessed man is not supposed to do when what he is supposed to do. In verse 4 we see what the sinners are like. It says the ungodly are not so better, like the chaff which the RIN drives away. You see, the chaff is is all the extra dead stuff that just floats around. It blows away. It has no roots, like we see that tree by the rivers of water. The tree has roots. The Christian who's doing what's right has roots. But the sinners are like the chaff, they have no roots, they just blow away in the wind. And then it says in verse 5 therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment or sinners in the Congregation of the righteous. You see, because the sinners are unsaved, then they Cannot, they won't stand in the judgment and they cannot be in the congregation of the righteous. In other words, because they're not saved, they're not gonna spend eternity with God in heaven, because the Lord knows who is saved and who's not.

Speaker 1:

And here's the deal.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to be like that sinner.

Speaker 1:

You can accept Jesus Christ today. He came to this earth and what died on the cross was buried for three days and rose again the third day for your sins, conquering sin and death for the whole world. And all you have to do is accept his gift of Salvation and depend on him To have eternal life. And the first thing you have to do? Is it number one admit that you're a sinner. And Then, number two, you have to realize there's a punishment for your sin, and that is separation and death from God and hell forever. And then, number three, you must accept God's gift and depend on the Lord for your salvation, and today is the day of salvation.

Speaker 1:

You can do that. Today you can start living the life that a blessed man lives and avoid the sinners and avoid the ungodly friends, the people that you should not be hanging out with. And this is the whole point of young America's bring revival. If you listen to our last episode, you'll realize the whole point of young America's revival. And that's what we want is for Christians to wake up and start doing what they're supposed to Be doing. Start living like the blessed man is supposed to in this passage here and start doing what's right. That's how we have revival in America. We'll be praying for you and you pray for us. God bless America.

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