Young America

Standing Firm in Faith Against Modern Spiritual Challenges

January 18, 2024 Young America Episode 14

Discover the timeless truths of 1 Timothy as we unravel the essence of teaching sound doctrine within the church's walls. Paul's deep wisdom speaks to us through the ages, emphasizing the necessity for church leaders to impart teachings with integrity and avoid the pitfalls of pointless debates. With an eye on the steadfast love and mercy that transformed Paul himself, we question how modern churches can engage the youth with scriptural understanding that goes beyond mere tradition.

Our discussion doesn't shy away from the practicalities of spiritual warfare and the vital role of Scripture in defending against the devil's schemes. We share insights on how to arm yourself with faith and maintain a good conscience, exploring the proactive steps every Christian must take to stand firm in the good fight. The journey through Paul's epistles encourages us to understand our beliefs deeply and act with conviction in the face of adversity.

As we conclude, we ponder the importance of guarding our thoughts, taking lessons from the lives of biblical figures like David and Bathsheba on the consequences of a wandering mind. We leave you with strategies for mental vigilance and a call to reflect on what is pure, lovely, and virtuous. Join us in this heartfelt episode as we share personal reflections, candid rants, and a dose of encouragement for all our listeners to carry the torch of faith forward with knowledge and active engagement.

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Speaker 1:

We need to be careful to make sure we're not doing something just for the sake of doing it, but doing something because we believe we should be doing it and be able to back it up.

Speaker 2:

It's not according to whatever we feel like and whatever we think we're doing. It's according to the gospel. He's showing that the Lord is merciful and the Lord is he's loving. Welcome back to the Young America Show, where we love God, we love country and we love truth. And today's episode we're going to be talking about well, it's more like a Bible study rather than a normal episode. It's going to be in first Timothy and we're just going to do the whole chapter. We're just going to kind of talk about it and something a little different. But we thought we'd give it a try because, why not?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's based off of what we did last week in our Bible study with our other buddy and then we didn't have as much time this week so we needed a shorter topic. So we were like, hey, let's try this, you all go. All right, sounds like the plan. Verse 1 of 1 Timothy, chapter 1.

Speaker 1:

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God, our Savior and Lord, jesus Christ, which is our hope, under Timothy, my own son, in the faith, grace, mercy and peace from God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, as I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine. So I mean, obviously the first two or three verses are just introducing like header of the letter, like today we're like dear so and so, and then we start saying what we want but they didn't do that back then I guess. But anyway, that's beside the point. And then verse 3 kind of starts getting into what he wants to say in this first chapter, talking about that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine. And then you know, we continue on from there. Maybe you want to read the next three or four from there.

Speaker 2:

Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions, rather than godly edifying, which is in faith. So do now. The end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of good conscience and of faith unfaigned, from which some, having swerved, have turned aside unto vain jangling. All right, so that he shouldn't basically shouldn't listen to nonsense. Essentially he's saying Don't listen to fables and less genealogies, so things that people make up, things that are not true. Don't listen to them, don't waste your time on them.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, and charge others, not to you know, teach those things as well, because, like in verse, was it verse three that though much charge some that they teach no other doctrine. Well, apparently there was an issue of others teaching a different doctrine. And he's saying tell them is like, hey, wake up, don't teach that, and don't teach all the fables and all the stuff that sounds good or whatever. Teach what's actually true and then do it out of a pure heart and a good conscience and out of faith unfaigned.

Speaker 1:

And in other words, sort of do it in the right spirit Instead of the vain jangling, as it says in verse six, from which some have have, having swerved, have turned aside unto vain jangling, you know, and that's like say what's true and don't just speak words that sound nice but don't mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's there for a purpose. So he's telling them, timothy's like hey, you need to do this for a purpose because we don't want others to turn away from what we've been teaching and what we know is true. And just like, hey, just help everyone out, basically.

Speaker 1:

But anyhow, yeah. And then verse seven says desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm. But we know that the law is good, but if? But we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully, knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly, for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for homongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons.

Speaker 1:

And if there be any other thing as contrary to sound doctrine. I mean in the context thing about verse six, which is from which some, having swerved, having turned aside and divine jangling, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm. It's kind of like, well, they just like speaking words, and in this case is talking about the what is called the Judaizers and those that would teach the Old Testament law and in addition to the new covenant or the gospel, and saying stuff like well, you not only need to be saved, you also need to follow all these rules over here. And they're saying that's not true and the law is great to help you realize that you're a sinner, but the law isn't going to be what saves you, that's but yeah, you look at.

Speaker 2:

You look at those verses, though, and you see that in almost all of the epistles that Paul writes, in some shape or form, there is some sort of teaching and just telling people. It's not by work, it's not by whatever you do, it's obviously by Christ and what he has done. But you look through all the epistles that he has written and most of the time that's always in there. So this obviously is a reoccurring problem that he has to continually keep correcting and keep correcting. And he's teaching Timothy because Timothy, he goes to different churches and things like that.

Speaker 2:

So if you get, you know, the guy that helps you teach the other churches to get their head screwed on right, then you know, it kind of helps your situation out a little bit. Yeah, but verse 10, for them, well English, for hornmongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for immense stealers, for liars, for prejudiced persons and, if there may be any other thing set as contrary to Sunday doctrine. According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which is committed to my trust and I thank Christ Jesus, our Lord, who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.

Speaker 2:

So verse 10 is talking about the law on those that don't lose each law Right, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. So Paul's saying the gospel it's well, it just says glorious gospel. So it's glorious, it's marvelous, it's you know, it's God's word. So, according to the glorious gospel, which is according to which is we read the gospel and we apply it to our lives, it's according to the gospel, it's not according to whatever we feel like and whatever we think we're doing. It's according to the gospel of the blessed God, which is committed to my trust.

Speaker 2:

So he's thankful that Lord has committed him, committed the gospel to Paul. He's like thank you, lord, for giving me the gospel. And I thank Christ, jesus, our Lord, who hath enabled me, for he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. So again he thanks Christ. He's like thanks for giving me the ministry and putting me into the ministry. He's counted me faithful. I think it's very, very important. He's counted me faithful. You look at anything like you have to be faithful in everything that you do and you know, obviously we see that the Lord saw that Paul was faithful. And so he's like hey, let's commit the gospel to him. And so Paul's like sweet.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, in the context, you know, with the next verses, where he says who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious, but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly and unbelief. He's saying that the Lord, you know, because the Lord saved him, he was able to use him in the ministry and count him faithful and enable him. But of course, before he was saved, before he met the Lord on the road to Damascus, he wasn't any of those things, he didn't deserve the mercy, but God gave it to him anyway. That's one of the amazing things about salvation is that we don't deserve it, you know, and even after we have it, we still mess up, but the Lord gives it to us anyway.

Speaker 1:

And he still uses us in the ministry, no matter where we came from, which is just kind of interesting to me and a blessing, because it's like as long as you're following the Lord.

Speaker 1:

He's going to lead you the way you should go and he's willing to use you, and then you know if you keep going. In verse 14, it says and the grace of our Lord was exceeding, abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all the expectation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. So there again he's reiterating. You know he was blasphemed or a persecutor, injurious and all these things, and yet God gave him mercy and God came into the world to save people just like him.

Speaker 1:

And to save sinners, which is so amazing that the Lord is willing to do that, Because if I were God, I'd just be like nope lightning, you're all dead, but he still loves us anyway, which is amazing, and he's still willing to use us. Yeah, and one thing this is a little bit off topic, but I'm going to say it anyway Just thinking back to the law, is that? What was I going to say? You know, it kind of reminds me of modern churches and thinking about young people in modern churches. I think that one reason a lot of kids are I don't know how you would want to describe it Tired of church, leaving church, however you want to describe it is because every time there was a standard that the kid asked why do we do that?

Speaker 1:

It wasn't because this is what the Bible says, or here's our conviction. It was because we've always done it that way, and we've always done it that way Doesn't count anymore. That's following laws for the sake of following laws, not because you actually believe what you're doing. And so you know they were dealing with that back then. We're still dealing with it today. So what I would say is we need to be careful to make sure we're not doing something just for the sake of doing it, but doing something because we believe we should be doing it and be able to back it up. And you know, there's not chapter and verse for everything, but there are principles laid out in the Bible and the Lord just give wisdom in the way that a person should go in certain areas. So, in other words, because I said so isn't a good answer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean when you're younger. Obviously, because I said so is because you're not going to understand anyway. But I think when young people see other people older than them, just do it because that's what they've always done. That's not good enough anymore. So have a reason.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'll be it for this cause. I obtained mercy that in me first, jesus Christ might show forth all long suffering for a pattern to them which should hear, after believe on him to life everlasting. Now, to the King eternal, immortal and visible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. This charge I commit into the son Timothy. According to the prophecies which went before on the, that thou by them might just war a good warfare, faith and good conscience, which some, having put away concerning faith, have made shipwreck. Of whom is Hymenius and Alexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan. That they may learn not to blaspheme. So, basically, we look at the past, versus up and verse 15. This is faithful, saying where the voluptio temptation that Jesus Christ Christ is came into the world safe center to I'm chief. I'll be it. For this cause I obtained mercy. Okay. So Paul saying that the Lord has given me mercy from Jesus Christ and he has shown Paul long-suffering and patience and mercy for a pattern which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. So Paul is saying the Lord did it for others to see that he is a loving and a merciful God and that God does love us.

Speaker 2:

You look at Paul's life and he was essentially a terrorist. You read what Paul talks about. And he's dragging people out of their homes. He's putting them in prison. This isn't a oh, we're gonna walk you out. No, they're dragging them out of their houses. He's literally a terrorist. He's beating them. You look at what they did to Stephen and they were all terrorists. But Paul is saying here the Lord has given me mercy, he's given me grace, and it's an example for others that might want to follow my footsteps and he's showing that the Lord is merciful and that the Lord is, he's loving, which he truly is. And then, in verse 17, down to the King, eternal and mortal, invisible, the only wise, god, be honor and glory forever, which I think is very important, because our Lord, he deserves praise, he deserves honor and he deserves everything that he can get.

Speaker 1:

Hey there, everybody Just wanted to give you a heads up that we experienced some technical difficulties while we were recording this episode, so the next section you're gonna hear is gonna sound a little different and be in a little bit of a different topic because we lost about a minute. But other than that, it'll be great. It's good stuff and thank you for listening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So basically, yeah, paul is writing Timothy and he's telling him all this stuff, the whole chapter, the whole book. He's like this is all for you, this is all for your edification and for your wisdom, so that you can fight a good warfare and see it's. In order to fight a good warfare, you have to be prepared. And so Paul is preparing Timothy for that warfare against the devil, against lies and whatever else you know someone else comes up with. So you have to be prepared to fight the devil to, you know, go to war. And the only way to do that is to get your Bible. Into Rady's word. You look at how Jesus fought off the devil when he was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights, when he went to the letterness. Satan came and tried to tempt Christ three times, and every time you look at what the Lord did. He used the Scripture verse. He used, you know, a passage and the devil went away. So if the Lord did it himself, how much more should we do as Christians?

Speaker 1:

So you have to be prepared and know your Bible, and read your Bible, and 19 says holding faith in a good conscience, which some, having put away concerning faith, have made shipwreck. Of whom is Him and Neyus and Alexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. So what I would say is because holding faith in a good conscience comes right after that, thou might buy them might as war, good warfare. It's talking about the whole book in preparation for warfare, but it's also talking about holding faith in good conscience and, in the context, talking about you know, and then it goes on to say which some, having put away concerning faith, made shipwreck.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting, as we've been going through this, how many different times I've seen faith, like verse four when it talks about not giving heat to fables and endless genealogies. It says, rather, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying, which is in faith. So do so in faith. And then you come down to verse five. Now, the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith and feign. So it's faith, faith, faith, faith, good conscience. You know all these things.

Speaker 1:

It kind of boils down to faith in good conscience when it comes to doctrine, in this sense, and it's saying that him and I was or whatever his name is and Alexander have made shipwreck of this faith and of this good conscience.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I'm not exactly sure what I'll delivering them over to Satan means, but we know that it's not good, obviously and teach them a lesson that you know. Teaching these fables and these wives tales, in a sense, is kind of what it sounds like to me, not in good faith, but just so that they can, you know, sound good, and teaching the law when really the law doesn't exactly apply, when it's really the gospel that saves. You know that what you're supposed to be doing is teaching the truth in good faith and good conscience and not just saying words that sound good and it reminds makes me think about us and of other people. You know, our pastors in our churches and our San Francisco teachers and those of us who put our voices on the internet and stuff like we need to make sure that we're not. What we're saying is not, you know, jangling, as it describes it, and not in good faith and good conscience, but preaching the truth and warring a good warfare, holding the faith into good conscience and doing what's right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, even you look at how many times Paul wrote to Timothy and said, um, in good conscience, um, I think that you know you could take it this way Um, so Paul wrote, obviously, to Timothy and he's giving him all of this information. So Timothy is supposed to read this and to study it. Basically, um, so I guess what I'm trying to say is do everything that you can in order to fight the devil in good conscience, meaning that I did everything that I could to fight the devil. And you know, I think that's that's what Paul is trying to say. Here is, I'm giving you all this information, I'm giving you all this knowledge so that you can use it to your benefit, so that you can use it for yourself and for the whole, the whole rest of the church that you're going to go, you know, speak at or be at, and just doing as much as you can, being in the Word of God and searching it out and just knowing what it says, that right there will win the battle.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It reminds me of another thing that's maybe a little bit off topic, so hopefully this doesn't go too long, but um, just thinking about, you know, fighting the devil, I think Christians are very defensive, like, oh, you've got to make sure you have your defenses, when really it says that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Well, the gates don't go out and fight. The gates are the defense. So it's our job to take the war to the devil in a sense, you know, and if the devil can just have you pinned up in your house not doing anything for the Lord, then he's winning.

Speaker 2:

That's his offense because we're so defensive.

Speaker 1:

The best. The best offense or the best defense is a good offense. We need to be taking the battle to the devil and going out there and doing what we're supposed to do and witnessing and seeing revival happen. That's our job as Christians, and I think it's time for us and others like us and other people in America to get our acts together and start going what's right and hold the faith and good conscience and study why we do things and not just do things because that's the way we've always done it and take the battle to the devil because the devil's winning and it's time for him to lose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah. My dad always used to say um, idle hands are the devil's workshop, and you may have heard that before, but it's very true. However, you know you're not doing anything. Your thoughts can wonder your. Everything else is. You're just sitting there, you're waiting for something to happen and you have to keep your mind always on the Lord and the passage that Paul wrote I don't remember exactly where it's at, but it's like if, if you think on these things, and it's less the whole bunch of things, and you know that's what I try to think of, when you know the devil's trying to tempt me, or you know, do something wrong.

Speaker 1:

You think about something you should know.

Speaker 2:

I go to that passage and think about things that are holy, things that are virtuous, things that God would be pleased with. And it's just encouragement, because Paul knows he's like I got to give me this. Like he said, god has given me this, this um responsibility, and he has obviously fulfilled that responsibility. But it's for us to read what God has given us and it's for us to search it out. And you know, I feel like this keeps coming up every episode. But it's so true you can't not know what's in the Bible if you don't read it. So you have to, just you have to read it and, yeah, just do. All that you can do is keep your mind where it's supposed to be, um, be where you're supposed to be. And you find all of that by reading the Bible. And I preached the message Um, it was a few years ago now, but um, it's talking about David and how he had sinned with Ashiva and um.

Speaker 2:

In the Bible it says now, when the time comes, when kings went out to go out to war, david stayed home, something that effect I obviously paraphrased. But it says, when kings go out to war, david was not at war. If he was at war, none of this would happen. None of that would have happened. He wouldn't have had to kill her husband, he wouldn't have had to cover everything up. He wouldn't have had to do any of that. And when you don't go where you're supposed to be, where God has told you to be, it messes not only your life up but all those that are, you know, involved. You look at all the people that got involved with the situation of David. You look at Ashiva, you look at his husband. You look at, um, uh, what's his name? Joe, yeah, joe, the David's general. Yeah, joe, um, you just look at all those people, because Joe, technically, is the one that killed David.

Speaker 1:

He made it happen, he got drafted into it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you just look at, and then you look at um, the baby that died because of it. So your sin affects everyone else, it's not just you, and you know you just gotta be where God wants you to be. It's, I know it sounds easier than it is, but it's just how it works. Um, right, it's. It's not going to be easy. It's not going to be all butterflies and roses. It's just going to stick with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, off of your thing talking about what's where things are true, what's where things are honest. Just expanding on that a little bit is One way to discern if a thought you know, whatever the case is, whatever the thought is, is Good and holy, is you know? Start out by asking is it true? Okay, if it checks that box, go to the next question.

Speaker 1:

Right is it honest, is it pure, is it lovely? Go through that. And if they don't check any of the boxes or you're missing a couple, then maybe you shouldn't be dwelling on it, because You're the things you're supposed to think up on. Are the things that are true, pure, honest, lovely, virtuous of good report praise? Let me think. I think I'm missing one. The lovely if there be any virtue, if there be any praise and a good thing on these things, and that's just a good way to guard against your thoughts, as if you're like, if you don't know, and go through the passage and check yourself. Yeah, that was my rant. Joe basically already said it. We're gonna call it a day. We'll see you on Friday with our five-minute Friday and we'll talk to you people later.

Speaker 1:

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