Young America

Navigating Life's Crossroads: Five-minute Friday #1

January 12, 2024 Young America Episode 13

Ever found yourself at a crossroads, the weight of decision-making resting squarely on your shoulders? Our inaugural 5 Minute Friday casts a lifeline, unpacking the wisdom of Proverbs 3, 5, and 6 to help guide you through the maze of life's choices. As we step into the weekend, we're serving up a quick but potent dose of reflection, urging you to lean on a wisdom far greater than ours. Whether you're wrestling with college assignments, career paths, or personal growth, this episode is your beacon, illuminating the importance of trusting in the Lord and seeking divine direction over reliance on our own, often flawed, understanding.

This message isn't reserved for the faithful alone; it's a universal call to consider a higher perspective in tackling life's hurdles. We explore what it means to acknowledge God in all our ways and how this simple, yet profound act can straighten out even the most tangled of paths. There's no guest this week—just you and me, considering how faith might hold the solution to not only our personal conundrums but also the broader societal issues that confound us. So, take these five minutes and let them be the compass that helps you navigate through uncertainty, towards a weekend of clarity and purpose.





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Speaker 1:

Hey there, young America. This is the first episode of 5 minute Fridays, and these are designed to be short encouragements or hot topic hits for your entertainment and for your education. And today I wanted to encourage you all with Proverbs 3, 5 and 6, which says Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Now here's the deal being a young person in college and learning what it means to be an adult. Because, let's be honest, when you turn 18, you're not an adult, you're just allowed to vote. But we're trying new things, we're learning new things. We're learning what life really is, we, our own understanding. What I'm trying to say is our own understanding often fails, right? I think that's probably obvious to all of us. At least I hope it is. So what do we do about this problem? Well, if you read Proverbs 3, 5 and 6, it's pretty obvious. First of all, it says that we are to trust in the Lord. Now, what does this mean? Understanding means to depend on, so we are to depend on the Lord in everything, not on ourselves, but in everything. Now the second part of the verse says and lean, not on our own understanding. So, like we said, instead of depending on ourselves, we're supposed to depend on the Lord. So it's very obvious. You know. They're juxtaposed right next to each other. Do this, not this? Depend on the Lord, do not depend on yourself, do not depend on your own understanding, because our own worldly understanding will always fail us. I mean, I know that in my own life, just looking at you know. Okay, how do I edit this? How do I solve this problem? How do I deal with? Whatever the situation is, the fact of the matter is I don't know, and you know I can do all the things in the world to help me understand or try to figure it out, but ultimately it comes down to asking the Lord for His wisdom, and he will give the answer. He will give the wisdom that we need at the time that we need it Now.

Speaker 1:

Third, we are supposed to acknowledge God in all of our ways, and so, in all our ways, acknowledge Him right. And what does this mean? This means that in everything we do, we are to glorify Him and ask for His wisdom, and whatever we're doing, I mean 1 Corinthians 10-31 says whether, therefore, you eat or drink or whatsoever, you do. Do all to the glory of God. I mean, it doesn't get more obvious than that. Everything we do, whether we're eating or we're drinking or we're cleaning a room, doesn't matter what it is. We're supposed to do everything to the glory of God.

Speaker 1:

Now, finally, you know, we see that we're supposed to depend on Him, not depend on ourselves. That's key. Don't depend on yourself. Depend on the Lord. Acknowledge Him in everything and glorify Him in everything. Then he will depart our paths. So, if you don't know where he's supposed to be going or where he's supposed to be doing, depend on the Lord. Don't lean on your own understanding. Give Him the glory for whatever it is, and acknowledge the Lord and depend on Him, and he's going to guide you in the way you should go.

Speaker 1:

Now, why does this matter? Not only for young Americans, but for everyone? Well, young Americans, whether you're Christian or not, and whether you're older or young, depending on the Lord is key for everything in life, and I think that's how we get back where we need to be, how we solve the problems in America. I think everyone can agree that we have problems. Whether you agree on what the problems are or not, that depends, but we agree, we have problems. Well, the way we solve those is by depending on the Lord and seeking His guidance.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're not a Christian, then you think well, maybe this doesn't apply to you.

Speaker 1:

Well, it does, because God is real and the Bible is true and you can know that it's true and you can know that you're going to heaven if you put your dependence on the Lord.

Speaker 1:

You must admit that you're a sinner, you must realize that there is punishment and separation from God forever and hell.

Speaker 1:

And you must realize that God sent His Son Jesus to die for us, be buried and raise again the third day for our sins, conquering sin and death.

Speaker 1:

And you must put your full dependence on the Lord and His gift of eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection. That's what you must do in order to have eternal life and put your dependence on Him. And if you depend and if you put your dependence on God and you put your dependence on the Lord, and if you've done that, then you can depend on Him, not only for your eternity but also for your life. He'll guide you in the way you should go and he will guide you in the way that you should interact. And if we have revival in America and if everyone starts putting our dependence back on the Lord and not on ourselves, then we can see our country turn around. Thank you for listening to Young America. If you enjoyed the show, please consider sharing it with a friend, and if you want to see more content from us, please check the links in the description below and consider supporting the show. God bless America.

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